Leverage Transcripts derived from the closed captions available online and formated by slaysvamps. Feel free to download and share, but please give credit and a link back to me here.Leverage Main | When Darkness Falls |
1x01 The Nigerian Job |
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[Hotel Bar] (Nate is sitting at a hotel bar, drinking) Bartender: I checked. Airport shuttle’s in 15 minutes. (Dubenich approaches Nate) Dubenich: I’m sorry Mr. Ford, sorry, I know who you are I’ve, uh, excuse me. I’ve read all about you. I know for example that-that when you found that stolen Monet painting in Florence you probably saved your Insurance Company what 20-25 million dollars. Then there was that identity theft thing and you saved your insurance company I don’t even know how many millions of dollars but I just know that when you needed them… What happened to your family is the kind of thing-- Nate (slams glass down): You know that part of the conversation where I punch you in the neck nine or ten times? We’re coming up on that pretty quick. Dubenich: I just want to offer you a job. Nate: What do you got? Dubenich: Do you know anything about airplane design? Nate: I could give it a shot, you know, you give me a pencil and one of those little rulers. Dubenich: Somebody stole my airplane designs. Nate: Oh, I see and you’d like me to find them right? Dubenich: No. I know where they are. I want you to steal them back. (Nate looks at him in surprise) [Exterior Pierson Aviation] (Eliot, Parker, Hardison and Nate meet in front of building. Nate waits while the others walk across the street before turning and walking away) [Unfinished Office] (Nate puts a table down in an unfinished room, then places a laptop on it and looks at the building across the street) [Hotel Bar] Nate: You’re sure Pierson stole your designs? Dubenich: Look, my engineer goes missing, he disappears with all my files and then one week later Pierson announces an identical project. Come on. Nate: I don’t know. Stealing them back, it seems like a stupid risk, there are other ways… Dubenich: Listen. Listen to me. At the end of this month I have a shareholder’s meeting Mr. Ford. I’ve spent, already, five years, 100 million dollars on R&D. If I go to that meeting with nothing to show for it? Then I am dead. (Dubenich opens a folder and passes it across the table) Dubenich: I’m serious. Look, look at the people I’ve already hired. Do you recognize any of these names? Nate (going through file): Uh, yeah, I’ve chased all of them at one time or anoth-- Parker? You have Parker? Dubenich: Is there somebody better? Nate: No, but Parker is insane. Dubenich: Which is why I need you. Nate (laughs): No. I’m not a thief. (closes file) Dubenich: Thieves I got. What I need is one honest man to watch them. [Unfinished Office] (Nate sets up a projector which shines blueprints of a building on the wall) [Hotel Bar] Dubenich: Are you in? Nate: It’s not going to work, these people you hired they all have the same rep. They work alone, they always work alone, there’s no exceptions and there’s no way they’re going to work for you. Dubenich: No, they will, they will. For $300,000 each, they will, and for you, for running it, it’s double that. And it’s off the books, completely off the books. Look at me, I’m desperate here. And that’s just the salary, there is a bonus. Pierson is insured by I.Y.S., your old bosses. It’s a 50 million dollar intellectual property rights policy. Mr. Ford, how badly do you want to screw the insurance company that let your son die? [Unfinished Office] (puts on a headset) Nate: Okay, clear comms. [Roof] (Hardison picks up a headset and looks at it skeptically) Hardison: No, no, no, no. No, hell, no. This equipment is total VH1 bro, it’s best of the 80’s. I got something nicer. [Unfinished Office] Nate: No surprises now. [Roof] Hardison: I’ve been doing this since high school, bro, I’m Captain Discipline. [Flashback] (New York City Hotel, Five Years Ago) Manager: They came straight from the airport and up to their room. Security: So you never actually saw any of them then. Manager: No, but the credit card numbers checked out. Security: Break it down! (Doors open to reveal Hardison sitting on a couch drinking orange soda while three beautiful women dressed as Princess Leia fight with lightsabers) Security: Does that look like Mick Jagger to you? Hardison: This is not the room you’re looking for. [Roof] Hardison (holding up an earpiece): It’s a bone-conduction earpiece mic, works off the vibrations in your jaw. (Hardison tosses it to Eliot who holds it to his ear) Hardison (whispering): You can hear everything. Eliot: You’re not as useless as you look. Hardison: I don’t even know what you do. [Flashback] (3 Years Ago Eliot, wearing glasses and drinking from a mug of tea, enters a room full of men in Belgrade, Serbia) Eliot: I’m here to collect the merchandise. (Most of the men pull guns. Eliot takes a long sip of his drink. Outside, the windows flash with gunfire. Moans and the sound of a body falling fill the air. Inside, Eliot calmly takes another drink. One man sits at a table surrounded by bodies that litter the ground. He places a baseball card on the table. Eliot smiles) [Roof] (Parker drops down between Eliot and Hardison, hanging upside down from scaffolding) Parker: Can I have one? Hardison: You can have the whole box. (Hardison holds the box of comms up for her. She takes one and pulls herself back up) Eliot: What are you going to do when she finds out you live with your mom? Hardison: Age of the geek, baby. We run the world. Eliot: You keep telling yourself that. (Parker puts the comm in her ear, smiling) [Flashback] (19 Years Ago in Kansas City, a ten year old Parker stands in her living room watching her foster parents fight. The foster father turns to Parker, holding a stuffed bunny while the foster mother stands in the background, crying) Bill: You thought I wouldn’t find this? You don’t get bunny until you do what I say. So be a good girl or, I don’t know, a better thief. (walks out of room) Foster Mother: Bill! (Parker walks outside and down the walk. Behind her, the house explodes. She hugs her bunny and smiles) [Roof] (Parker adjusts her repelling gear, caressing it as if it were a lover) Parker: Last time I used this rig, Paris, 2003. Eliot (examining earpiece): Is this thing safe? [Unfinished Office] Nate: You talking about the Caravaggio? You stole that? [Roof] Hardison: Yeah, it’s completely safe, it’s just, you know, you might experience nausea, weakness in your right side, stroke, strokiness. Eliot (puts earpiece in): You’re precisely why I work alone. [Unfinished Office] Nate: Guys listen up, we’re going to go on my count, not a second sooner. Parker, no freelancing. [Roof] Eliot: Hey, relax, we know what we’re doing. [Unfinished Office] Nate: And on the count of five! [Roof] Hardison: Oh, he doesn’t want to be our pal. [Unfinished Office] Nate: We’re on the count. Five, four… [Roof] Nate: …three (Parker runs behind Eliot and Hardison toward the edge of the roof) Nate: Three Eliot: She’s gone. [Unfinished Office] Nate: Sonuva … [Roof] (Parker dives off the roof) Parker: Yeehaaaa!! (Eliot and Hardison run to the edge and watch her fall) Eliot: That’s twenty pounds of crazy in a five pound bag. [Exterior Building] (Parker hangs upside down looking in an office window at alarm system) Parker: Vibration detectors are on. [Unfinished Office] Nate: No cutting Parker, use the binary. [Roof] (Eliot and Hardison grab supplies and open a hatch to enter the building) [Exterior Building] (Parker begins placing a cutting agent on the glass) [Interior Ladder] (Nate and Hardison move downward into the building) [Exterior Building] (Parker attaches a suction cup to the glass and pulls it away, letting it drop to the ground. She reaches into the hole and sets a remote on the table. Climbing in the window, she hits the remote which releases her rope. With a flip off the desk, she catches a pencil before it can hit the ground) [Electrical Room] (Parker moves into the hall and toward a room marked “Danger: High Voltage” filled with electrical equipment.) [Elevator Shaft] (Eliot and Hardison land on the top of an elevator) [Electrical Room] (Parker sets up a laptop and crosses two wires) [Elevator Shaft] Eliot: You know Parker anytime you wanna— (the elevator jerks into motion, descending rapidly) Hardison: Whoa! [Electrical Room] Parker: Boys are on their way. [Unfinished Office] Nate: What are you getting with security? You see security? [Electrical Room] (Parker looks at the security room on her monitors) Parker: They don’t see a thing. [Security Room] (men standing around desk watching panels and monitors which show unmoving elevators) [Elevator Shaft] (elevator continues to descend with Eliot and Hardison standing on top) [Electrical Room] Parker: Doors open. [Unfinished Office] Nate: All right guys, show time. Here we go. [Hallway] (Eliot hands a device to Hardison) Eliot: Here. Hardison: Got it. (Hardison plugs the device into the security device on the door) [Unfinished Office] Nate: Okay, you got any chatter on their frequencies? [Electrical Room] Parker: No. Why? [Unfinished Office] (Nate checks records) Nate: There’s eight listed on the duty roster, there’s only four at the guard post. [Electrical Room] Parker: I can’t even tell how many guys are in the room. How can you tell who’s who? [Unfinished Office] Nate: Haircuts Parker. Count the haircuts. [Electrical Room] Parker: I would have missed that. [Unfinished Office] Nate: What? [Electrical Room] Parker: Nothing. [Hallway] Eliot: Problem? [Unfinished Office] Nate: Uh, maybe. Run the cameras. [Hallway] Hardison (watching display on device): Ten digit password. I salute you sir. [Electrical Room] (Parker scrolls through the camera feeds until she finds the missing guards) Parker: Got ‘em. They’re doing their walk-through an hour early, why the f… [Unfinished Office] Nate: Because it’s the playoffs. [Electrical Room] (Parker tightens the view on TV screen in the security room showsing a baseball game) [Unfinished Office] Nate: Yeah, game 5 of the playoffs. They’re doing their rounds an hour early so they can watch the playoffs. [Electrical Room] Nate: All right, where are they? Parker: They’re at the stairwell. [Unfinished Office] (Nate turns to look at the location on the blueprint on the wall) [Security Room] (guards continue to watch the play offs and monitor security feeds) [Hallway] (guards walk by an open doorway) Guard 1: Hey! (Guards pull weapons and start hurrying down the hall) [Unfinished Office] Nate: Okay, guys here’s what we gotta do. We gotta squelch ‘em. [Electrical Room] (Parker hits keys on the laptop sending a high pitched sound onto the guard’s comm Frequencies) [Hallway] (guard tries to use his radio, but gets only a high pitched whine) [Security Room] (guards hear a high pitched whine on the intercom. One of them reaches up and turns it down) [Unfinished Office] Nate: Eliot, what I want you to do is clear the zone and use Hardison as bait. [Hallway] (Eliot takes off his jacket and disappears) Hardison: Bait? What? Hold up. Wait a minute. I know you ain’t talking about me, I ain’t nobody’s bait. (to device) Come on baby, work for me baby, come on, baby. (down the hall, the guards are still trying to reach base on their radios) Guard1: Base come in. Does anyone copy? (squelching sounds) Ah! Parker (watching monitors): Hardison, they’re almost there. Hardison: (To device) Come on baby, come on, just come on man. (shakes his head, grabs bag) Forget it. (Hardison turns to leave but the guards are standing there, weapons pointed at him) Guard 1: Hold it right there. (Hardison raises his hands over his head as Eliot walks out behind the guards. Hardison drops his bag. By the time the gun hits the ground, Eliot is the only man left standing, holding one of the security guard’s guns in his hand) Eliot (empties gun): That’s what I do. (Hardison looks impressed. Behind him, the door clicks open. He and Eliot enter the server room) [Unfinished Office] Nate: Guys, guys you gotta talk to me, okay? ‘Cause I don’t know what’s going on. [Server Room] (Eliot is tying up the security guards while Hardison works on a terminal) Hardison: It’s all good, I’m stripping the drives right now. (plugs in flash drive and waits) Come on baby. (removes drive) Got all the designs, got all the backups. I’m leaving this cupboard bare. [Unfinished Office] Nate: Drop the spike. [Server Room] (monitor flashes before showing the Blue Screen of Death. Lights on the servers begin to go out) Eliot: Did you give them a virus? Hardison: Dude, I gave them more than one virus. (they exit into the hallway) Parker: Problem. Those guards you ganked? [Electrical Room] Parker (looking at monitor): They reset all the alarms on the roof and all the floors above us. We can’t go up. [Hallway] Eliot: Every man for himself then. (starts to move away) Hardison: Go ahead I’m the one with the merchandise. [Electrical Room] Parker: Yeah, well I’m the one with an exit. [Unfinished Office] Nate: And I’m the one with a plan. Now I know you children don’t play well with others but I need you to hold it together for exactly seven more minutes. Now get to the elevator and head down. We’re going to the burn scam. [Elevator] (Eliot and Hardison enter an elevator and begin changing their clothes) Hardison: Going to Plan B. [Unfinished Office] Nate (packing his things): Technically that would be Plan G. [Elevator] (elevator doors open and Parker runs in. She begins changing while the men look away) Hardison: How many plans do we have? Is there like a Plan M? [Unfinished Office] Nate: Yeah, Hardison dies in Plan M. [Elevator] Eliot: I like Plan M. [Lobby] (security guard looks toward the elevators) Guard: I thought we locked down those elevators. (guard walks around the booth to check it out) [Elevator] (team is dressed in business suits. Eliot kneels to put a brace on Parker’s leg while Hardison puts fake burns on her face) Hardison: Stay still, stay still. Don’t move. [Lobby] (guard approaches the elevator with his hand on his gun. The doors open to reveal Parker walking with a cane, helped by Hardison with Eliot following. The guard covers his gun and stares at Parker as they move toward the exit) Eliot: Nice. Why don’t you stare a little more? Guard: Sorry. Eliot: You gotta be kidding me. Parker: No Tom, it’s okay. Hardison: No, it’s not. Guard: Sorry, sorry. Parker (faking tears): I understand. [Exterior Building] (Nate pulls up to the curb and looks through the doors into the building) Guard: I’m sorry. Eliot: Get the door, come on. Guard: Again, sorry. (team leaves the building, gradually dropping the act as they head for the car. Parker throws her cane to Hardison who catches it. They all get in the car and Nate drives off. [Park] (team stands around watching while Hardison works on a small laptop) Nate: Come on, come on, it’s only taking all night. Come on. Hardison: I got a couple of Wi-Fi networks with some crappy bandwidth. (hits more keys) There you go. The designs are sent. Nate: All right, all right. The money will be in all your accounts later today. Hardison: Anybody else notice how hard we rocked last night? Eliot: Yeah, well, one show only, no encores. Parker: I already forgot your names. Hardison: It was kind of cool, being on the same side. Nate: No, we are not on the same side. I am not a thief. Parker: You are now. Come on Nathan, tell the truth. Didn’t you have a little bit of fun playing the Black King instead of the White Knight, just this once? (they all walk away in different directions) [Hotel Room] (Nate is sleeping in bed still wearing his clothes, little empty bottles littering the nightstand. His phone rings and he fumbles to answer it, knocking bottles over) Nate: Yeah. Dubenich: You screwed me! [Bering Aerospace] Dubenich (walking through office): The designs never got to me. [Hotel Room] Nate: No, I watched them go out. [Bering Aerospace] Dubenich: I don’t know what you saw but I received nothing! [Hotel Room] Nate: Look, I told you, you couldn’t trust ‘em. [Bering Aerospace] Dubenich: It is not my job to trust anybody that is what you were here for. I am freezing the payments. I am freezing all the payments. [Hotel Room] Nate: All right, look. Look, I will come over there right now, we’ll straighten this out. [Bering Aerospace] Dubenich: No, no, no do not come here. My company has an old aircraft facility outside the city and I will text you the address and you be there, in one hour. (Dubenich hangs up calmly sips his coffee) [Hotel Room] (Nate slowly puts down his phone) [Warehouse] (Nate walks slowly down a toward a large room where voices are coming from) Hardison (holding gun): You mind telling me what happened to the designs? Eliot: What makes you think I know what happened? Stupid. Hardison: Look, forget you man. You did it when we were coming down from the elevator. Eliot: Yeah, that makes sense doesn’t it? You had the file every second. Hardison: Hold up Kujo, I did my part, I transferred the files. Eliot: You better get that gun out of my face... Hardison: What did you do? Eliot: …or else I’m gonna feed it to you. Nate: Hey! (the men turn, Hardison pointing the gun at Nate) Eliot: Did you do it? You’re the only one that’s ever played both sides. Nate: Yeah, you seem pretty relaxed for a guy with a gun pointed at him. Eliot (looks at Hardison): Safety’s on. Hardison: Like I’m gonna fall for that. Nate: No, no, actually he’s right, the safety is on. (Hardison looks at the gun and Nate grabs it) Nate (to Eliot): You armed? Eliot (shakes head): I don’t like guns. (Eliot looks pointedly past Nate’s shoulder. Nate turns, pointing the gun at Parker who is holding a gun on him) Parker: My money’s not in my account. (She walks around Hardison, raising her gun as Nate lowers his) Parker: That makes me cry inside in my special, angry place. Nate: Okay, Parker. (slowly reaches out to lower Parker’s gun) Now did you come here to get paid? Hardison: Hell no. Transfer of funds man. Global economy. Eliot: It’s supposed to be a walk away. I’m never supposed to see you again. Nate: Then the only reason you guys are here is because you didn’t get paid. And you’re pissed off. (laughs) As a matter of fact the only way to get us all in the same place at the same time is to tell us that we’re not. Getting. Paid. (a look of realization goes through the group and they all start to run. Nate opens a garage door and directs them out. Hardison trips on the stairs and Eliot pulls him to his feet) Nate: Come on, come on, get up. Let’s go, hustle. Go. (the others exit and Nate looks back to see a ball of fire headed toward him) [Exterior Warehouse] (building explodes in a ball of fire, throwing Hardison, Eliot and Parker to the ground) [Hospital Room A] (Nate wakes to find himself handcuffed to the bed. Across the room, Eliot is handcuffed to a chair) Eliot: You don’t like hospitals. Nate: Not much. Parker (from vent): It’s about time. Nate: What? [Hospital Room B] (Parker and Hardison are in the room next door. Parker paces, tossing her handcuffs from hand to hand. Hardison is still handcuffed to his bed.) Parker: Cops and firemen got there just as we were waking up. [Hospital Room A] Nate: Where are we? [Hospital Room B] Hardison: County hospital. Local cops, they responded to the explosion. (Hardison lifts his wrist to have Parker let him go, but she ignores him) [Hospital Room A] Nate: Have we been processed? (Eliot waves ink covered finger tips at him) Eliot: They faxed our prints to the State Police. [Hospital Room B] Hardison: Yo, if the staties run us man, we’re screwed. Parker: How long? Hardison: Thirty, thirty-five minutes depending on the software. [Hospital Room A] Eliot: They printed us twenty minutes ago. So unless we get out of here in the next ten minutes we all go to jail. Nate: Yeah, all right. I uh … Eliot: I can take these cops. [Hospital Room B] Parker: Don’t you dare. You kill anyone you screw up my getaway. Hardison: Hold up. I’m still handcuffed here. I can’t even go to the bathroom. I gotta go. [Hospital Room A] Nate: Parker! Get me a phone. What we’re going to do is, we’re going to get out of here together. Eliot: This was a onetime deal. Nate: Look guys, here’s your problem. You all know what you can do, I know what all you can do, so that gives me the edge, gives me the plan. [Hospital Room B] Parker: I don’t trust these guys. [Hospital Room A] Nate: Do you trust me? Eliot: Of course. You’re an honest man. Nate: Parker, Phone. [Hospital Room B] Parker: This is gonna suck. (she sticks her fingers down her throat and bends over) Hardison: Oh. Hell no! (A few minutes later, Parker is lying handcuffed in her hospital bed, a doctor bending over her checking her temperature) Doctor: Nausea could mean a concussion. If you feel any more effects or blurred vision, tell the policeman right away. (Parker nods compliantly. The doctor and nurse leave the room. Officer checks her handcuffs then leaves. Parker and Hardison hold up the phones they stole. After a quick glance, they switch phones. Parker holds up the keys she stole and tosses them to Hardison before standing up and talking to the vent into the next room) Parker: Nate. [Hospital Room A] (Nate takes the phone from the vent) Nate: Yeah, I got it. So the trick is to give them what they want. They’re expecting a phone call, right? (tosses phone to Eliot) [Hallway] Nurse (to officer): There’s an outside call for you. Line 2. (officer gets up and follows nurse) [Hospital Room B] (Hardison uses the camera on the phone to take his picture) Hardison: Okay. (he continues pressing buttons on the phone) [Hallway] Deputy Burns: This is Deputy Burns. Eliot (on phone): This is Detective Lieutenant Carden with the Illinois State Police. We got those prints that you sent us. [Hospital Room A] Eliot: The problem I have is that they’re sending up red flags all over the place and I’ve got somebody on the phone for you from the FBI down there in Washington. Can you hold son? [Hallway] Deputy Burns: Yes, sir. [Hospital Room B] Hardison (looking at phone): Come on. There it goes. (uses UniFax to send a fax) [Hospital Room A] (Eliot tosses the phone to Nate) Nate: Yeah, Deputy Burns, this is Deputy-Director McCumber, FBI. Yes, is our man all right? [Hallway] Deputy Burns: Uh, I’m sorry, I don’t follow … [Hospital Room A] Nate: Deputy, listen to me the man that you have inside there is ours actually. He’s been in deep cover for three years. [Hallway] Burns: Seriously? Nate: That’s correct. In fact you should be receiving a fax any moment now confirming what I’m telling you. (another officer rushes down the hallway holding a fax he hands to Burns marked “Classified” with Hardison’s picture) [Hospital Room A] Nate: Most of what I’ve told you is classified. I need to know I can trust you. Can I? [Hallway] Deputy Burns: Yes sir. [Hospital Exterior] Hardison leads Eliot to a police cruiser that Nate and Parker are already inside of. As Hardison guides Eliot into the backseat he hits Eliot head on the top of the door frame. Eliot turns and growls at Hardison) Hardison: Walk it off. Walk… get inside. Get inside. (Eliot gets in the car) Hardison (to cops): Men, it fills my heart with tears of joy, what you guys do. It does. (gets in the car) Nurse (approaching Burns): There’s a call for you, State Police. (Hardison smiles and drives away) [Hardison’s Loft] (everyone follows Hardison in) Hardison: Four first class tickets to anywhere but here, coming up. Parker: Whose place is this? Hardison: It’s mine. Eliot: I’m gonna beat Dubenich so bad that even the people who look like him are gonna bleed. Parker: You won’t get within 100 yards. He knows your face. He knows all our faces. Eliot: He tried to kill us. Parker: More importantly he didn’t pay us. Eliot: How is that more important? Parker: I take that personally. Eliot: There’s something wrong with you. Hardison (typing on computer): Heads up, heads up look. Dubenich’s story is 90 percent true. He is the head of Bering Aerospace big rival to Pierson, but, check out what my little web crawlers coughed up. Pierson Aviation Rep (on monitor): We’ve lost research that we’ve been working on for over five years. Our servers have been sabotaged, now we’re going to pursue these perpetrators to the full extent of the law and with all the resources we have at our disposal. Nate: Could be a cover story. Hardison: Here’s a log of last night’s rip. Internal timestamps on the project – (looking at monitors) 2003, 2004, they’re way, way down in the code. There’s no reason to fake those man. Eliot: So we didn’t steal the plans back? Parker: No, we were just stealing them. Hardison: Why would Dubenich lie to us? Nate: Cause you’re thieves. If he hired you for a straight up crime, you’d know he was a bad guy like you, you’d be suspicious. This way you just saw another citizen in over his head and that’s why you didn’t see the double cross coming. Parker: Why didn’t you see it coming? Nate: Because I’m not a thief. Eliot: You know what, maybe that was the problem. If you-- Hardison: Hey, hey hey. (hands out sheets of paper) I bought tickets to London, Rome, Paris and Sao Paulo all matching the IDs that you gave me. (Nate walks over to look at Hardison’s monitors) Nate: You’re running. Eliot: Yes sir. You got a better idea? Nate: No, no. (to Dubenich on screen) You’re running. Now that was a high-risk play. You got your balls tied to the stock price like a cinder block, shareholder meeting coming up. We can’t let this guy have any time to cool down. Eliot: You want to run a game on this guy? You? Nate: Yeah. I mean, how do you think I got most of my stolen merchandise back? I mean, this guy he’s greedy, he thinks he’s smart, he’s the best kind of mark. Parker: He does think he got rid of us. Hardison: Element of surprise. Eliot: What’s in it for me? Nate: Payback, and if it goes right a lot of money. Parker: What’s in it for me? Nate: A lot of money, and if it goes right, payback. Hardison? Hardison: I was just gonna send a thousand porno magazines to his office, but, hell yeah man, let’s kick him up. Eliot: What’s in it for you? Nate: He used my son. All right. Let’s go get Sophie. (Nate leaves and the others follow) Eliot: What the hell’s a Sophie? [Theater] (Sophie on stage dressed in medieval clothing, doing a terrible job of acting) Sophie: Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst! Make thick my blood; (Eliot, Sophie and Hardison stand at the back of the empty audience, in shock as Nate watches intently) Sophie: Stop up the access and passage to remorse, that no… (she hesitates and restarts her line) That no compunctious visitings of nature Hardison: She is very awful. Parker: Is she injured? In the head? Eliot: Seriously man, this is the worst actress I’ve ever seen. Nate: This is not her stage. [Alley] (Sophie exits the theater. Nate, Hardison, Eliot and Parker are waiting at the end of the alley) Eliot: No. No, I vote no. Nate: Parker’s right, Dubenich knows us and we need a fresh face. (claps as Sophie approaches) I thought you were great. Sophie: My only fan. [Flashback] (In Paris seven years ago, Sophie is cutting a painting out of a frame with several empty frames nearby. The door burst open and Nate enters with a gun in hand) Nate: Freeze. (Sophie grabs her gun and shoots Nate in the shoulder. He responds by shooting her in the back. They both clench at their wounds) Sophie: You wanker. [Alley] Sophie: I’m a citizen now. Honest. Nate: I’m not. Sophie: You’re playing my side. (glances at the team behind him) I always thought you had it in you. Nate: Um, are you in? Sophie: I wouldn’t miss this. Nate (flustered): All right. All right, let’s break the law just one more time. (All get the car and drive away) [Hardison’s Loft] (Hardison displays pictures of Dubenich on his TV while the team watches) Hardison: Victor Dubenich, executive vice-president in charge of new technology development over at Bering Aerospace. (Eliot enters with popcorn and sits down among them) Hardison: Rich daddy, trust fund, Yale MBA. Blah, blah blah. Nate: Victor? Now when was the last time you met a Victor? Eliot: Vietnam. Town called Banho Zay. Sophie: Chinese border. Eliot: That’s an odd thing for you to know. Sophie: That’s an odd place for you to be. Hardison: Now Bering is in charge of a lot of big fat government contracts. Some Department of Defense research, very classified stuff. Parker: Can we use that? Hardison: No, I don’t think so. Dubenich is in charge of their commercial airline business. Nate: I know when you sent Dubenich his designs you weren’t supposed to make any copies. Hardison: No, I promise. That would be very wrong. Nate: Show me your copies. (Hardison smiles and brings up the copies) Eliot: It’s an airplane. Nate: It’s a short alt domestic airliner, yeah, usually one hour flights. It’s the fastest growing segment of the industry, very fuel efficient. High tech. Very nice carbon nose, it’s got the titanium wrap. 3 to 1. (team looks at him in surprise) Nate: You know, you pick up things here and there. Hardison: You pick up a lot of stuff. Parker: Ha! Hardison: Check this out. Now Dubenich and Pierson they were head to head for five years trying to grab the lead in an industry that’s worth like eleventy-billion dollars. Parker: So Pierson got there first, Dubenich took a short cut. Nate: So he’s got a rival. He’s got a rival that pisses him off so much he hired us to steal his designs. This is good. Sophie: What are you thinking, Nate? Nate: I’m thinking Nigerians. Yeah, Nigerians will do nicely. (Nate walks away. The others look at Sophie in confusion) Sophie: Well, he hasn’t changed a bit. [Dubenich’s Office] Secretary: Your 9 o’clock is here. Dubenich: My…? (turns to see Sophie sitting in a chair) Sophie: Mr. Dubenich, Anna Gunschtot, African Commercial Transport and Trade Initiative. [Hardison’s Loft] (Hardison sits down at his computer and Nate watches over his shoulder) Hardison: Here comes the mountain of suck. [Dubenich’s Office] Dubenich: You government? Sophie: No, no. Private business consortium. (follows him into the inner office) We are looking to encourage infrastructure development and economic renewal. Dubenich: I have no idea what that means in English. What does it mean? Sophie: We create jobs and trade in Africa. Keep the graft and the stealing manageable. [Hardison’s Loft] Hardison: She’s not awful. Nate: This is her stage. Sophie Devereaux is the finest actress you’ve ever seen… when she’s breaking the law. Dubenich: Keep graft and stealing manageable in Africa, good luck but I don’t think I can help [Dubenich’s Office] Dubenich: I don’t think any human being on Earth can help you with that. Sorry. Sophie: Come on. Let’s go and talk somewhere a little less formal, eh? Dubenich: Uh, no, no, no. Look, I, Miss, ah… (Sophie walks out, Dubenich following reluctantly as the receptionist watches them go) [Hardison’s Loft] Nate: Okay, and now. (Hardison hits a few keys and the secretary’s computer crashes) [Dubenich’s Office] (secretary sees Blue Screen of Death and starts frantically hitting buttons) Secretary: No. No, no. No, no, no please. [Interior Duct] (Parker has a phone hooked into the wiring) Parker: Hello IT. Secretary: Yeah, this is Victor Dubenich’s office, my computer just completely crashed. Parker: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Did you try turning it on and off again? [Hardison’s Loft] Secretary: Yes, nothing seems to be working. Hardison: That’s a computer thing. I told her to say that. Nate: Well done. [Interior Duct] Parker: We’ve got someone on your floor already. [Dubenich’s Office] Secretary (hanging up): Thank you. Eliot: Somebody call IT? [Exterior Building] Sophie: I represent a group of investors who are looking to start an airline for short tour flights in Africa. Dubenich: Of Johannesburg? [Hardison’s Loft] Nate: Okay, he’s testing you. You want Bloemfontein. Sophie: Keep away from the hubs. [Exterior Building] Sophie: Revitalize the regional airports. In South Africa, Bloemfontein for example. But really, it’s Nigeria we’re focused on. [Hardison’s Loft] Nate: Yeah, perfect. Dubenich: Most of their airport runways are a mess. Sophie: I believe new airplanes will make people more comfortable while we renew old runways. [Exterior Building] Dubenich: Uh huh. I don’t recall saying anything about new airplanes. Sophie: Victor. Both you and your chief engineer are scheduled to speak at your shareholder’s meeting. [Hardison’s Loft] Dubenich: I think you know more about my business than I do. Sophie: I’ve done my homework. [Exterior Building] Sophie: I find you fascinating. [Dubenich’s Office] (Parker opens the vent into Dubenich’s office and drops down Eliot flirts with the secretary to distract her) Secretary: It’s good. It’s good to have a passion, you know. Eliot: Let me show you how to uh reconnect with the network. [Hardison’s Loft] Hardison: Now, shouldn’t I be playing the computer guy? Nate: No, I want you to actually be the computer guy. [Dubenich’s Office] (Parker moves to Dubenich’s computer and turns it on. She plugs in a flash drive, and hits some keys before planting a bug under the desk) Eliot: All right. (secretary puts her hand on the mouse and Eliot puts his hand on hers to guide it) Eliot: Voila. Secretary (feels his arm): You are strong for a computer guy. Eliot: Why thank you. I like to work out and try to stay big ‘cause I love dressing up like a Klingon and going to all the conventions, you know. Bacla! Sorry. Secretary: It’s okay. Bacla! Eliot: Oh! Don’t you tease me. [Hardison’s Loft] Hardison: Oh, hold up man, that is not … that is not cool. That is not cool. We gonna have a strong talk when you get back. [Dubenich’s Office] (Parker removes flash drives and climbs back into the ductwork) Eliot: You’ve got unbelievably blue eyes. Secretary: Thank you. Eliot: They’re stunning. Just breathtakingly blue. [Exterior Building] Dubenich and Sophie have strolled to a wharf. Dubenich: Uh, sorry is it Gunshot? Sophie: No. Dubenich: I’m sorry. Sophie: Gunschtot. Dubenich: I’m sorry. Really sorry. Sophie: Anna. Dubenich: Anna, thank you. How’s this? If we announce a new product then you can order as many as your little heart desires. [Hardison’s Loft] Nate: Okay, you know what to do. Hit him. Sophie: We’d also like to build the planes. [Exterior Building] Sophie: More jobs. Build them in Africa, fly them in Africa, sell the rest around the world. Dubenich: Well, that’s very ambitious. You have the manufacturing facilities to do all that? Sophie: (waves off the idea) Ah! We can easily raise the money to build the facilities if we know for certain we’re going to get the contracts. [Hardison’s Loft] Nate: Atta girl. [Exterior Building] Dubenich: Anna, I’m really sorry but I can’t help you. [Hardison’s Loft] Hardison: It was a nice try man. Nate: Wait for it. [Exterior Building] Sophie: I understand. Dubenich (checks his watch): And I really do have… Sophie: I’ll take it to Pierson. Dubenich: Pierson? Uh, sure, go ahead, Pierson’s a great company, I don’t think they can help you, but… Sophie: Oh, they have a reputation for long-term investment, you don’t. They’re innovators. Yeah, it’s probably a better fit. Dubenich: I know-I’m aware that you’re manipulating me, Anna. Sophie: Well I should hope so. Hundreds of millions of dollars in new contracts, a lot of good press, all at your door. Dubenich: Okay, I give up, I’ll take the meeting. (goes to shake her hand, she walks away) Sophie: I’ll have my office call you. Dubenich: What? Yeah. Sophie: Day after tomorrow? Dubenich: Uh, yeah sure. Look forward to doing business with you. [Hardison’s Loft] (Nate slaps Hardison on the shoulder and they shake hands. Later that evening Hardison is on his computer while Eliot is in the background playing pool) Hardison: Yo, Nate. I got all his financials off his hard drive and all his passwords. Nate: Yeah. (goes toward pool table) Eliot: Your shot. (tries to hand him a beer) Nate: No thanks. (picks up pool cue) Five corner. Eliot: You look better than when we started. Nate: Yeah. Eliot: Yeah. And that bothers you, huh? Nate: I uh, well this isn’t supposed to feel-- Eliot: Good? It’s not that hard to figure out. Dubenich screwed you. He cheated by stealing from that other company and your good guy brain sees him as the bad guy. Your conscience is clear. Nate: You want to take your shot? Eliot: Listen, I’m sorry about your kid. Nate: You don’t know anything about that. Eliot: Everybody knows. A guy like you goes off the street a lot of people notice. And it was a bad story, too. How did they justify that, huh? The insurance company just not paying for his treatment? [Flashback] (Nate watches through a glass door as doctors treat his son, who is lying in a hospital bed) Nurse: BP’s dropping. [Hardison’s Loft] Nate: They claimed it was experimental. Eliot: You should have kept one of those Monets you found. You fence that— Nate: Eliot, you and I are not friends. Eliot: Right. Right. Because you have so many of them. (points to Sophie, who is approaching) Incoming. (walks away) Sophie: Hey, can you help me with this earpiece? Nate: Uh, yeah, ask Hardison… Sophie: Nate, come on (she holds out the ear piece to him and he takes it, placing it gently in her ear) Sophie: Thanks. So, uh, this time you really are inside my head. (she walks away. Hardison glides his computer chair across the room) Hardison: Ooh. Ooh. Mmm. [Exterior Building] (Dubenich’s pulls up in front of the building, gets out of the car and heads inside. Nate and Hardison watch from a table at a café across the street) Nate: Sophie, he’s on-site. [Office] Sophie: What? No, I’m not ready. [Lobby] (Dubenich enters and looks around) [Exterior Building] Nate: If you don’t meet him right now in the lobby he’s going to go to the building directory and look for the office number. Guys we are not in the building directory. [Stairwell] (Eliot walking up the stairs holding a bag and a sign) Eliot: And why aren’t we in the directory? [Exterior Building] Hardison: I don’t know, maybe because they’re fake offices. [Hallway] (Sophie runs to the elevator and hits buttons) [Lobby] (Dubenich looks at his watch) [Hallway] Sophie: There’s no elevator. [Exterior Building] Nate: All right I’ll distract him. Parker you got ten seconds to get Sophie to the lobby. [Hallway] Parker (opens door): Sophie! Sophie (runs over): What’s going on? Parker: Put this on. (throws her a harness) Sophie: What it for? Parker: Speed. (they move into stairwell as Eliot leaves it. Eliot moves to the door of the offices with his isgns)) [Exterior Building] (Nate takes a retractable baton from his coat and heads for the building looking around. He hits out a window of one of the cars parked in front of the building. The car alarm goes off) [Lobby] (Dubenich pauses briefly but continues on) [Exterior Building] (Nate breaks out the windows of two more cars, setting off more car alarms) [Lobby] (people run to the door to see what’s happening outside, distracting Dubenich for a few moments) [Stairwell] Parker attaches the harness holding her and Sophie to a rope. Sophie looks over the rail to see that it’s a long way down) [Lobby] (Dubenich finally approaches the building directory) [Hallway] (Eliot finishes putting up a sign on a door) [Stairwell] (Parker and Sophie jump over the railing. Sophie screams) [Lobby] (Dubenich begins typing on the directory display just as Sophie comes out of the stairwell, looking flustered. She walks over and gets his attention) Sophie: Oh, ah, our offices are on the tenth floor. Dubenich: Oh. You’re uh, you have a glow. Sophie: Just … excited. (she leads him toward the elevators) [Elevator] Sophie: One thing. The gentleman bringing you this opportunity to work with their government, they’ll, um, expect some, um, compensation. Not a bribe of course. Dubenich: A finder’s fee. Sophie: Exactly. Dubenich: I thought your job was to eliminate graft and stealing. Sophie: No. My job is to keep it manageable. [Hallway] (Eliot finishes hanging a sign that reads “African Commercial Transport and Trade Initiative” as the elevator opens and he walks away) [Office] (Sophie leads Dubenich into a room filled with Nigerian officials) Nigerian: Good afternoon. Mr. Dubenich, we are honored by your presence. Dubenich: No, no, the honor is entirely all mine, getting in on the ground floor of something like this is a wonderful opportunity. [Exterior Building] (Nate and Hardison are sitting at a table at the café, Parker joins them) Nate: Nice job on the zip line. Parker: Totally thought she was going to break a leg. Not bad for a first time. Dubenich (on comm): So what do you think? Nate: She’s closing it up. [Office] Nigerian: Yes, absolutely. We can definitely repurpose those factories. Dubenich: Great. Nigerian: I believe we will be able to do a lot of business together, sir. Sophie: About the… the other matter. Nigerian: Of course. (Sophie stands and walks to the other end of the table. She takes an envelope from the Nigerian and brings it to Dubenich, who opens it under the table. A piece of paper inside says $1,000,000) Sophie: Is it agreeable? Dubenich: Oh, I think we can work something out. Sophie: Excellent. [Exterior Building] (Dubenich gets into his car and drives away. The rest of the team joins Sophie on the sidewalk) Nate: We got him? Sophie: We own him. Nate: Okay gang, let’s go. We got a busy day tomorrow. Sophie: This is going to work, right? Nate: I guarantee it. [Dubenich’s Office] Dubenich brings his engineer into his office with him. Engineer: This is insane. We are risking everything. (Dubenich motions him to silence and pulls him down to look under the desk) Engineer: We already took a chance by— (Engineer stops talking when he sees the transmitter under Dubenich’s desk. They walk back out of the inner office) Engineer: What is that? Dubenich: It’s a transmitter and they’ve been listening to everything I’ve been saying. Engineer: Who are ‘they’? (Dubenich pulls out a picture of Nate and Sophie talking) Dubenich: Who do you think? Also, I’ve checked, there’s no office for the African Commercial Trade Initiative anywhere in the city. They’ve been hustling me and I know exactly what they’re doing. Tomorrow, it stops. Get the FBI on the phone. Engineer: Yes, sir. [Exterior Building] Engineer: Are you sure you know what you’re doing? Dubenich: Yeah, they’re pissed, I get that. They want to make me pay. I mean, an opportunity like this, the same week as the Shareholder’s Meeting. The bug, the fake offices, cash bribes, Nigerians for god’s sake! Nigerians! I mean, it’s like those email scams with Nigerian bank fraud letters. Who the hell do they think I am? Some dog they can just lead around? They’re going to find out exactly how wrong they are. [Hardison’s Loft] (the team places packages into bags and together they head for the door. [Conference Room] (Dubenich presents the stolen project to the Shareholders) [Hardison’s Loft] (team heads down the stairs, Nate holding the door for Sophie) [Interior Car] (Nigerians driving to the meeting) [Conference Room] (Engineer speaks, and shareholders clap for Dubenich) [Exterior Building] (Sophie meets the Nigerians and shakes hands before they head for the patio) [Exterior Building] Shareholder: All I know is, good day for you. Dubenich: It’s a good day for all of us. Stock’s gone up 15 points since the announcement. Shareholder: Really? Dubenich: You didn’t know? Shareholder: No. I’ll pass it around. (walks away) (Sophie approaches Dubenich) Sophie: Well, aren’t you the cat that ate the canary? Dubenich: Does it show? Sophie: Horrible poker-face. Dubenich: Guilty. (sees the Nigerians) Why don’t we get this done? Sophie: Now? Dubenich: Yeah. Sophie: You have the whole payment? Dubenich: Absolutely, I think we should make the deal. I want to make the announcement, get even bigger headlines. I’ll take them into a conference room away from all this. Go, go, go, let’s do it. Sophie: I’ll be right back. (she goes to the Nigerians and talks to them quietly as Dubenich watches) [Conference Room] (Dubenich leads Sophie and the Nigerians inside) Dubenich: Gentlemen, now everybody come in, relax, make yourselves comfortable. Nigerian: Thank you. Dubenich: Sure. (all of the Nigerians sit while Sophie remains in the doorway) Nigerian: I assume we all understand the terms of this agreement. Dubenich: Well I’ll tell you, the exact terms of the agreement, are these. (Dubenich presses a button on the phone and several men in FBI coats appear and enter the room) FBI Agent: FBI, don’t move. Higgins: You all right, sir? Dubenich: Oh, I’m fine. Nigerian: Yes, of course. Dubenich: I’m fine, thanks for asking, everything’s perfectly… (two of the FBI agents grab Dubenich’s arms) Dubenich: What? What are you …? Wait a minute, wait a minute, let go of me, please. (frees his arms) What are you looking at me for, the criminals are sitting right over there, look at them. Listen, I spoke to Special Agent Higgins, if you call him on the phone. Higgins (holding up badge): I’m Special Agent Higgins. Victor Dubenich you are under arrest for soliciting a bribe from these Nigerian Government officials. Dubenich: I’m not-I’m not soliciting--these aren’t even Nigerians. Nigerian (holds up his passport): Of course we are. Dubenich: No. No, no. Nigerian: Your woman knew that when she contacted us last week. Dubenich: My… woman? Anna? Anna? (he looks around, but Sophie is gone) Anna! (he raises his hands) Um, Special Agent Higgins, Anna Gunschtot works for them. Nigerian: Ridiculous. She contacted us on your behalf. Nigerian 2: She told us she worked directly under you now. [Flashback] (Sophie shakes hands with the Nigerian) Sophie: Anna Gunschtot from Bering Aerospace, directly under Victor Dubenich. [Conference Room] Dubenich: But… b-but she took me. She took me to their office. Nigerian: No, we do not have an office in this city. Dubenich: Exactly. Nigerian: We met her at your other office. [Flashback] (Eliot puts up a sign that reads “Bering Consulting. Victor Dubenich”. Sophie shakes hands with the Nigerian) Sophie: Anna Gunschtot, from Bering Aerospace. [Conference Room] Dubenich: The shareholders! The shareholders! (runs from room) [Exterior Building] (police cars with lights and sirens flashing pull up to building. Many FBI agents run inside, mingling with the guests at the party) Shareholder: What in god’s name. (shareholders watch the FBI agents rush the building and surround them, making sure no one leaves. Dubenich moves forward) Dubenich: No, no, no. Uh, everybody, could I have your attention? It’s just, it’s just a permit problem. Shareholder: Victor, what’s going on? Dubenich: I can explain. Higgins: Anybody else here involved in the bribe? Shareholder: Bribe? Dubenich: There’s no bribe. Nigerian: I handed this man an envelope containing a cashier’s check for $200,000. Dubenich: No. No, no. Nobody-- I wasn’t handed any… [Flashback] (the Nigerian places a check in an envelope and puts the envelope in his pocket) [Exterior Building] Dubenich: I didn’t—nobody handed… [Flashback] (Sophie walks to the end of the table and takes an envelope from the Nigerian. She quickly switches it before handing a different envelope to Dubenich) [Exterior Building] Higgins: This will look a lot better for you if you did not deposit that check. Do you still have it? Dubenich: I didn’t get a check. FBI Agent 2 (to Higgins): Sir, we got people searching the lab, seizing the files and computers. Higgins: Good job. (walks away) Shareholder: Victor, news crews. If they find out. Dubenich: Higgins! Higgins you can’t do that! You can’t take my computer. Higgins: This company has government defense contracts. There are very serious rules regarding contact with foreign nationals. The Patriot Act applies here my friend. Sir, I can take your underpants. Dubenich: Okay, it’s getting a little aggressive. I’m sorry, Bobatumbai, this is Tom Bailey. These gentlemen are from Nigeria. Everybody just take it easy, relax, I’ll be back and explain everything. (moves away) Shareholder: Where are you going? Victor! Victor! [Office] (several men desperately shred documents as the Engineer enters) Engineer: Guys, we gotta get rid of this stuff. Keep shredding, keep shredding. (he pours shredded documents out the window) Help me! [Exterior Building] (small pieces of paper float down as FBI agents move in and out of the building. The team walks out wearing FBI coats and carrying boxes) [Office] (FBI agents enter the room where the men are shredding documents) FBI Agent 3: Freeze! (the men stop and raise their hands) [Unfinished Office] (Pierson waiting by the window as Nate approaches) Pierson: I came alone. Nate: Yes, I know, thank you Mr. Pierson. (walks over to him) Now I understand your research was completely wiped out. I have complete copies right on these hard drives along with absolute proof that they were on Bering Aerospace computers, that should be good for a couple of lawsuits, right? Pierson: I drop the investigation of all parties involved with the original theft. Nate: That seems fair. You get your property back. Pierson: Agreed. No charges. Nothing on you, or your people. (Nate hands him the hard drives and walks away) Pierson: Don’t you want money? Nate: This particular project has a different revenue stream. [Dubenich’s Office] (FBI Agents look through files and take boxes away while Dubenich’s sits watching the news) Reporter (on TV): In a massive sell-off sparked by multiple federal investigations of Bering Aerospace the stock plummeted 33 percent before trading was halted. (Dubenich’s phone rings, but it takes a long time for him to answer) Dubenich: Yeah? [Park] Nate: Yeah, you should have just paid us. [Dubenich’s Office] Dubenich: I found the transmitter. [Park] Nate: Oh, you found the transmitter with the blinking light, yeah, we wanted you to figure some of it out. Then we just gave you what you were expecting. [Dubenich’s Office] Dubenich: I am Victor Dubenich, I am going to beat this. [Park] Nate: Aren’t you forgetting about the bribe? [Dubenich’s Office] Dubenich: Who cares? You can’t prove anything, I didn’t get any money. (FBI Agent opens safe behind Dubenich, taking out handfuls of cash) [Park] Nate: No, it doesn’t account for all of it. Sophie kept a little to buy a truly impressive number of shoes. Parker: What is it with woman and shoes? Sophie: There’s something wrong with you. Eliot: That’s what I said. Nate: See if a company’s stock price falls ten, fifteen percent in one day and you see it coming, you sell short, you make a lot of money. If it’s going to fall thirty percent you can make shattering amounts of money. [Dubenich’s Office] Nate: We didn’t need the FBI to show up and take you to jail, we just needed them to show up and take boxes out of your office, all day long in front of TV cameras, scaring your investors. You going to jail is just a bonus. [Park] Nate: I wouldn’t say anything about us to the Feds. Next time we won’t be so nice. (hangs up as he walks toward the others) [Dubenich’s Office] FBI Agent 4: Who was that? Dubenich: Nobody. [Park] (Hardison hands out envelopes to each member. They open them to find checks for millions of dollars) Nate: Job well— (looks at check) Whoa! Hardison: There was an overlap in the London stock market. Valuation carried over to NASDAQ and… I’m just very good at what I do. Parker: This is the score. THE score. Hardison: Age of the geek, baby. Eliot: Somebody kiss this man so I don’t have to. Hardison: So, we’re out, huh? I mean we’re out, this is retirement money. This is go legit and buy an island money. Nate: Uh, yeah. Pleasure working with you. Eliot: Yeah. One show only. No encores. Parker: I already forgot your names. (after a long look around, everyone heads in different directions. Nate walks down a path and is joined by Hardison) Hardison: You know I never had that cool a time on a job. Nate: It’s a walkaway. Hardison: And I got focus issues, brother you kept me right on. (Parker joins them on Nate’s other side) Parker: I’m really good at one thing— Nate: Parker. Parker: …only one thing that’s it, but you, you know other things and-and I can’t stop doing my one thing, can’t retire … (Eliot walks up) Eliot: You want to know what I think? Nate: Not really. Eliot: How long until you fall apart again? Nate: Oh I’m touched. Eliot: Well a guy like you can’t be out of the game, that’s why you were a wreck, you need the chase. Nate: Yeah, I’ll manage. (his phone rings, he answers) Yeah. (Sophie is sitting nearby on a bench and hangs up her phone) Sophie: You pick the jobs. Nate: My job is helping people. I help find bad guys. Sophie: Then go find some bad guys. Bad guys have money. Black King, White Knight. (Nate gives her a long look) [Residential Home) (an older couple sits on a couch, the mother crying) Mother: I’m sorry. Father: No, no, no. Sophie: Please, take your time. Mother: She-she was 17. Sophie: I know. Mother: They killed her. They said it was an accident but that company killed her. I want them hurt. Father: W-we can’t pay you. Sophie: We work on an alternative revenue stream. Father: I don’t understand. The judge said that we couldn’t appeal. What are you gonna do? Nate: People like that, corporations like that, they have all the money they have all the power and they use it to make people like you go away. Right now you’re suffering under an enormous weight. We provide, Leverage. The End |
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