Leverage Transcripts derived from the closed captions available online and formated by slaysvamps. Feel free to download and share, but please give credit and a link back to me here.Leverage Main | When Darkness Falls |
1x13 The Second David Job |
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[Blackpoole Gallery] (Ian has a gun on Nate) Ian: Where are they? Sterling: Clear the room. Clear the room! (Lloyd and Maggie leave with the other people gathered) Nate: Are you here to kill me, Ian? [IYS Conference Room] (three days earlier) Ian: Before we conclude this meeting, I want to introduce to you the newest vice president of IYS Insurance, James sterling. (all the men in the room clap) Ian: All of you know Jim sterling as our chief investigator, the man who recovered a Michelangelo that was stolen from me three months ago. But that's not the reason he's standing here now. Sterling: It certainly didn't hurt. [Museum Lobby] Sophie (on phone): That's right. Yeah, I’m at the museum. I'll be home around 6:00. Uh-Huh. (Sophie looks at the poster advertising the two Davids, using her phone to take pictures of the guards) Sophie: Uh, no, no. I'll, uh, I’ll fix them something to eat when I get home. [Blackpoole Gallery, 2nd Floor] (Parker walks along the balcony, looking over the edge. She uses a laser tool to measure distance from the balcony to one of the paintings and writes it down on a notepad) [IYS Conference Room] Sterling: So, what I’m proposing is that we both insure and secure our clients' art. Our personnel, our technology. No more writing multimillion-dollar checks because some museum guard took a nap under the Picasso. Ian: The showcase will be my wing of the museum. Every painting there will be either mine or belong to a high-profile client of IYS. A perfect show of faith. Sterling: Thank you for your vote of confidence. [Blackpoole Gallery, 3rd Floor] (Eliot dressed as a security guard greets other guards, and makes notes. Across the balcony, Hardison dressed as a repair technician enters a mechanical room) [Sterling’s Office] Ian: So, what do you think? Sterling: Corner office. I don't know what to say. Nate: How about, uh... (turns chair around) something like, "I’m more comfortable in enclosed spaces"? (drinks liquor from glass) [Blackpoole Gallery] (man is working on the base of the display for the Davids. Sophie enters and looks around. She sees Maggie and turns around) Man: Let's take a look over here. Maggie: Okay. [Sterling’s Office] Sterling: You know, I think you'd fit through that window if you're traveling fast enough. Ian: Last time I saw you, you were selling me something. It's a nice team you had, by the way. Uh, Portia, was that her name? Oh, I mean Sophie. Nate: Yes. Yes, thank you. I got out of sales. Ian: So, what are you in now? Nate: Theft. Yeah, I’m going to rob the two Davids gallery on opening day. (finishes glass, pours more, then to Sterling) Nice wet bar. [Mechanical Room] (Hardison taps into the wires running along one wall) [Sterling’s Office] Nate: Aren't you gonna call the, uh, police? Ian: Of course not. You're a sick man, Nathan. You still blame me for the death of your son. Nate: You turned down the insurance claim for the treatment that would've saved him. Ian: It's our policy to say no to all claims until they've been fully investigated. Nate: Stalled. Fully stalled. Ian: I don't let my personal feelings affect policy. Nate: Your policy. This company never automatically turned down claims until you came along. Ian: I have a responsibility to my shareholders. Nate: People lost their homes! Children died! Ian: No exceptions. [Blackpoole Gallery] (on the 2nd floor, Parker takes more measurements with her laser tool when Sophie sees the spots on the paintings and looks up. Parker sees her and jumps) Sophie (whispering): What are you doing here? Parker (whispering): What are you doing here? Sophie (whispering): Get out. You're gonna mess this up. Parker (whispering): You're gonna mess me up. Sophie (whispering): I was here first. Parker (whispering): I was here first! [Blackpoole Gallery, 3rd Floor] (Hardison comes out of the mechanical room from across the room Eliot sees him) Eliot (whispering): What are you doing? (Hardison shrugs. Eliot makes an angry gesture) Eliot: Damn it Hardison! Hardison (softly): This is my spot. You go! Eliot: Shh! [Sterling’s Office] Nate: I'm gonna make you an offer. One time only. You resign as CEO. You donate all your assets to charity, and I will not rob the museum. Ian: All my assets? Nate: Yeah. Ian: How generous. (to Sterling) We're done here. (leaves) Nate: Yeah, I’ve got some errands, too. Rope, masks, knockout gas! (drains his glass) Be seeing you, Sterling. (hands Sterling his glass) Sterling: Nate. (Nate exits) [Blackpoole Gallery, 3rd Floor] Eliot: Behind you. Hardison: What? What?! Eliot: Behind you! Hardison: What? (behind Hardison, a security guard sees him) Guard: Hey! [Blackpoole Gallery] (Sophie hears the guard and looks in that direction) Guard: Stay where you are! (on the 2nd floor, Parker looks up and sees Eliot standing on the 3rd floor) Parker: Hey. (Eliot looks down and sees Parker. On the main floor, Maggie looks over and sees Sophie) Maggie: Hey. (Sophie moans and turns around. Eliot and Parker look at each other, confused. Hardison backs away from the security guards) Hardison: I left my ID.. Guard: Just wait. Hey! [Security Control Room] Guard 2: Are you seeing this? (pulls out radio) Could we get some security over to the Blackpoole gallery? Guard 3 (on radio): …he’s trying to get an exit to the north stairwell. [Blackpoole Gallery] (Hardison drops his helmet as he rounds a corner, followed by two guards) Hardison (to Eliot): Help me. Eliot: I got you. Hardison: Help me, help me! (Eliot grabs Hardison’s arm and flips him, then gestures to the other guards) Eliot: I got it. (Parker looks from Eliot to the main floor) Maggie: I'm sorry. Do I know you? Sophie: Lo siento. No hablo Engles. Maggie: Perdon. Le conozco? Sophie: Of course she bloody speaks Spanish. (exits gallery) (Parker turns to see two security guards walking along the balcony and turns to go) Guard 4: … second floor right now (Eliot snaps cuffs on Hardison, then takes his hat from another guard and puts it on Hardison’s head) Eliot: All right, check one floor up. I think I saw another guy dressed just like this one. Guard: Got it. Guard 5: Let’s go. Eliot: Move! (pushes Hardison into the elevator) Hardison: I'm gonna kick your butt. Eliot (pushes Hardison): Stand over there! Hardison: I'm gonna kick your butt. [Museum Lobby] (Sophie walks toward the doors. Parker drops down in front of her) Parker: Oh! W- Where did you -- Parker: Run now. Talk later. (they exit the museum) [Museum Exterior] (Parker and Sophie run down the steps and head one way, but see a crowd of security running at them. They turn around and meet up with Hardison and Eliot at the foot of the stairs) Sophie: What? Eliot: Let's go. (Nate pulls to the curb as the others approach) Nate: Need a ride? (all scramble into the car and Nate drives away) [Mansion Gardens] (the team walks up a long stairway to a magnificent house) Nate: Hardison, what is this? Hardison: Yeah, well, since sterling blew our covers, I had to find a new safe house. Lay low. Sophie: This is your idea of laying low? [Mansion Foyer] Sophie: Yeah. Hardison: Hey, don't break nothing. Eliot: There's nothing to break. Parker: Who ripped out the toilets? Hardison: This was an IRS Foreclosure. I got it cheap. Eliot: IRS doesn’t take toilets. Hardison: They do when they're solid gold. This used to be MC Hammer's place. I guess you can touch this, with a swat team and a federal warrant. (Parker and Hardison give Sophie a long look before walking away) Sophie: What? (Eliot follows them. Sophie hits Nate with her purse) Sophie: See that? We're a mess. (follows the others) Nate: Yep. [Mansion Dining Room] Hardison: How'd you know we'd be there? Nate: Last week before the exhibit opens, security almost in place, but not fully staffed. Best time to case the joint. Plus, I did chase all of you at one point or another. Eliot: Is she in on this? Sophie: "She" can hear you, okay? Hardison: Wait a minute. There is no "this," Eliot. Parker: Sophie did come back for me. (Nate walks over to the table, which is covered in plans) Eliot: Wouldn't have had to if she wouldn't have lied to you. Hardison: No calls for three months. I don't need you people. Parker: What do you mean, you don’t need us? Sophie: I’m sorry, I seem to remember a certain job with horses where I backed your play, actually. Eliot: I don't care! You don't con your crew! (the four of them begin arguing, talking over each other. Nate whistles to get their attention) Nate: Glen-Reeder security system here. Parker: And that's not the worst of it. (walks over to table) Nate: Hmm? Parker: The Davids are under bulletproof glass on a motion-Detector pad. Nate: Really? (the others join them, Nate takes a step back) Parker: Mm-Hmm. Sophie: Environmentally sealed… Nate: Really. Sophie: …kept at a constant temperature and humidity in the case. I saw them working on the airflow. (Nate walks away, no one notices) Hardison: No, no, no, you can get past the motion detectors, okay? I have a link to their security system and the video feed. Eliot: Guard rotation's too heavy for a day grab, and at night they got two standing guards. Nate: Why'd you come back? We agreed to scatter for six months. All of you–all of you—made an amateur move being there. Parker: It's too hard to leave a job undone. It's like an itch. Hardison: I put a lot of work into us, into that office. It was like my second home. I blew up my second home. Eliot: As annoying as you people are, I quit this crew when I quit this crew. Nobody makes me leave. Sophie: I just, I really wanted to hurt Sterling. Nate: Well, he's taking over security for the gallery. So if we work together, if we work together, we can kill two birds with one stone. Break Blackpoole and humiliate Sterling. Sophie: No, no. Sterling, he knows our game, man, okay? It's going to be twice as hard to steal those statues. Nate: Oh, no, no. It'll be four times as hard. They know we're coming. Parker: And how do they know that? Nate: I went to their office and told them. Sophie: Oh, Nate. We all want to hurt these guys, right? They humiliated us. But taunting them? The-the response is going to be... Biblical. Nate: That's what I’m counting on. (Nate walks out of the room. Some time later, Nate walks back in. Sophie hands him a piece of paper) Sophie: Hey, I think the roof's the way in, but it looks like they've rigged alarm sensors to the skylights. Parker: I can get around those. Eliot: Really? And end up on one of the new 20 cameras they got down there from our last little trip to the basement? Parker: That was fun. Hardison: Yeah. Could we talk about that? Parker: Talk about what? Sophie: You know, none of this takes into account any new security measures that sterling might have added since Nate made his little play date. Nate: Where's the air coming from? The statues are in a sealed case, kept at a constant humidity and temperature. Air moves in and out. How? Sophie: All right, from what I saw, the airflow to the museum passes through the base of the display, right? Nate: Hollow base underneath the statues, so what's underneath the base? [Flashback] (the base sits in the Blackpoole Gallery. Beneath that is a room with many people working on pieces of art) [Mansion Dining Room] Hardison: The restoration room. It's like a maze of rooms down there. Airflow control, heating, storage. Eliot: How'd we miss that? Nate: Grifter, hitter, hacker, thief. You were all trying to solve your version of the crime instead of just trying to solve the crime. There was a reason we worked together. Eliot: Yeah... (looks at Sophie) was. Nate: Okay, we need access to that restoration room. We need somebody on the inside. Eliot: We can't run a con. They know our faces. Parker: What about Maggie? Sophie: Exactly. I mean, most of the museum people aren't gonna recognize us, But Maggie. She works down there. Parker: No, what about Maggie? She's inside. Eliot: You just said that. She just said – Hardison: No, wait. No, hold -- Listen. Listen, I get -- I get it. Just have Eliot call her as Dr. Sinclair. We won't play her. He'll just feel her out. Nate: Have Eliot... feel out my wife? Eliot: Feel out. Sophie: Ex, Nate. Ex-Wife. Parker: Okay, look, you always have a plan "b," right? So, fine. Without Maggie, what's the plan "b"? [Museum Lobby] (Lloyd and Maggie walk through the lobby. Lloyd sneezes) Lloyd: I'm sorry. These allergies, they're just killing me this year. So, we moved the sarcophagus from the Egyptian room to the lecture hall. It still needs to be validated. (the sound of something heavy closing gets their attention and they walk toward the Blackpoole Gallery) [Blackpoole Gallery] Ian: Ah. Jim. This is Dr. Lloyd, director of the museum. And you know Maggie. Mr. Sterling will be taking over all the security for Blackpoole Gallery. Lloyd: Oh. (Sterling pushes a button on a remote. An alarm goes off and a metal gate slides down, closing off a section of the balcony from the room) Sterling: I want that floor to ceiling, all four floors. Lloyd: You know, we, uh, we have security. (Sterling looks pointedly to where two men are eating and drinking, watching Sterling’s men) Guard: Hmm? Oh, hey, doc. Sterling: Absolutely terrifying. Ian: Every painting in this gallery belongs to either me or a client of IYS, and I’ll do whatever necessary to protect it. Dr. Lloyd, this is no longer a museum. It's a vault with visiting hours. (Ian walks out, Lloyd follows) Lloyd: Mr. Blackpoole, you know, I-I'd just like to add that our security has years of experience, in fact the FBI was just here. (Sterling walks past Maggie slowly, following the others. Maggie’s phone rings. She answers) Maggie: Hello? Eliot: Hey, Maggie, how you doing? Maggie: Dr. Sinclair. Adam. What a nice surprise. [Mansion Dining Room] Nate: Ease into it. Don't rush her. Eliot: Yeah. Listen, I’m in --I'm back in Los Angeles for a while. Nate: You know, I had to ask her out 10 times before we even got a coffee -- Eliot: Coffee? I would love to. Yeah. What time--? In an hour? I, yeah, I would love to. Let me write down where you want to go. I know exactly where that place is at. All right. I'm looking forward to it. (hangs up) Nate: Yeah, all right -- No. Eliot: She probably just really wants some hot coffee. Nate: Shut up! Eliot: It's not like a date. (pulls his hair back) Nate: Are you kidding me? You're fixing your hair? Eliot: Because I’m playing the professor Sinclair dude! [Coffee Shop] Waitress: There you are. Eliot: All right. (takes drink) Waitress: And for you. Maggie: Thank you. Waitress: You’re welcome. Enjoy. Eliot: You come here a lot? Maggie: No. I just wanted to see you. [Interior Van] (the rest of the team is sitting around a laptop, watching the display) Sophie: That's a date. Parker: Did we really need to put a button cam on Eliot? Nate: Safety issue. (Maggie is visible on the laptop screen) Hardison: Mm-hmm. Maggie: We're not gonna talk about art— [Coffee Shop] Maggie: --all afternoon, are we? Eliot: No. Maggie: Good. It's all my ex-Husband ever wanted to talk about. (Waitress hands each of them menus) Maggie: And that was so tedious. [Interior Van] (Nate looks uncomfortably at the others, then back to the screen) [Coffee Shop] Maggie: Listen... (puts her hand over Eliots) I want to thank you. I haven't dated a lot since my marriage broke up. Eliot: I'm sorry to hear that. Maggie: No, don't be. He was obsessive… [Interior Van] Maggie: …perfectionist, controlling. Nate: Organized! She used to say I was organized. And punctual. Hardison: Mm-hmm. [Coffee Shop] Eliot: He must have had some good qualities. Maggie: No, not even in bed. [Interior Van] (Hardison’s eyes get big) Parker: Ooh! Maggie: Every night was prom night. [Coffee Shop] Maggie: You know what I mean? But worst of all, he completely forgot that I gave him that same button camera for Christmas three years ago. [Interior Van] (everyone looks at Nate as the doors open. Maggie and Eliot look into the van) Nate: I can explain. [Mansion Foyer] (Parker, Eliot and Hardison sit on the stairs as Maggie and Nate stand in the dining room, arguing) Maggie: Did it occur to you that I might be… Eliot: I feel used. Maggie: You lied to me, Nate. Nate: How did I lie to you? Nate: I don't know why I’m surprised. (Maggie walks through the foyer and outside. Nate follows her) Nate: It's going great. Sophie: We can tell. (Nate follows Maggie outside) [Mansion Gardens] (Nate follows Maggie down the steps) Nate: Maggie! Maggie: And to think I felt sorry for you. Nate: Maggie! Maggie: That whole sob story about being broke and sleeping in your car and a drunk. Nate: Was! Was broke. Was sleeping in the car. The drunk thing, not quite in the past tense. (catches up to her) Maggie: What is all this, Nate? Nate: This, them... Maggie, we help people. (they stop near a fountain and some benches) Maggie: You break the law. Nate: No, pick up where the law leaves off. Maggie: Wow. You are not the same man I married. Nate: Uh, what do you – Maggie: So, who does this help? Blackpoole's a bastard, Nate. He was a bastard when you worked for him. What's changed? Just help me understand. Nate: I have to tell you something, Mag. (sits down on a bench) Please. Maggie (sits next to him): What? Nate: Mag, when Sam was in stage IV, I found a treatment that would've helped him. And I went to Ian to pay for it, and he wouldn't. Maggie: He wouldn't? Nate: He wouldn't. I told him we had mortgaged the house, sold the car that we were broke, and he still wouldn't pay the claim. 20 years at that company, and they wouldn't help save our son. Maggie: Why didn't you tell me this? I work with these people, Nate. I am friendly with them. You just let me walk around like an idiot. He’s my son too! (wipes tears) Nate: I know, I know. Maggie: Why have you just been carrying this around all this time? Nate: I didn't want you to hate me, Maggie. Maggie: Why would I hate you? Nate: I do. If I had ever seen you look at me the way I looked at myself in the mirror, I would've blown my damn brains out. [Flashback] (doctors using paddles on Nate’s son to try and save him) Nate: No!! No!! (Nate runs into the room and pushes the doctors aside. He picks up his son and holds him, sobbing. Maggie looks in the window, crying as Nate lays their sun back down) [Mansion Garden] Maggie: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Maggie: Come here. (Maggie pulls Nate to her and holds him as he cries) [Security Control Room] (Sterling is hanging pictures of the team up on a cabinet when Geary walks in) Geary: When Eliot Spencer worked here as a security guard under a fake name, he gave his real cell phone number as a reference. Look who just got a call from that number. (Geary hands Sterling a file. Sterling opens it, showing a picture of Maggie) Sterling: Oh, Maggie. What a shame. [Mansion Dining Room] Nate: So we replace the rebar, reinforce the concrete, with any luck, they'll never know what hit 'em. And that, that's the plan. Maggie: You actually expect this to work? Nate: Um… Hardison: No, no, you're supposed to say, "wow. That's just crazy enough to work." Sophie: Incredibly, chance does seem to bend itself to his bizarre machinations. Parker (whispers): That's his superpower. (smells Maggie) Nate: Okay, um...now, do you have what we need? Maggie: I have to check museum inventory. Nate: Oh. Easy. (Nate looks at Hardison, who types on a laptop, then shows monitor to Maggie) Maggie: This is confidential. (takes laptop) You're not reading my e-Mails, are you? Hardison: No. No. (Maggie looks down at the laptop. Hardison nods to Nate while she’s not looking) Maggie: He won't--here. (turns laptop around) This is the only thing big enough for what you need. Nate: Great. Okay. Now, how soon can you get that in the restoration room? Maggie: That's not my department. You have to convince the museum director, Darien Lloyd, to pull it from the display. (hands Hardison the laptop) Nate: Okay. Maggie: Nate? Nate: Hmm? Maggie: You just can't make somebody do what you want them to do. Eliot: Whoa. (Sophie laughs) Eliot: Wha-- Hardison (laughs): That's, that's what we do. I mean... Parker: You're adorable. (pats Maggie’s hair) [Blackpoole Gallery, 2nd Floor] (Maggie is fiddling with earpiece) Nate: Maggie, it won't fall out. Just pretend it's not there. Maggie: Yeah, just forget my ex-Husband's voice in my head, telling me what he thinks I should do. [Mansion Dining Room] Maggie: I'm in therapy to solve this problem. Nate: Uh, yeah, sorry. Um, okay, Parker's on her approach, so I want you -- Maggie: So nobody else finds it annoying when you nag them in the middle of these things? [Egyptian Room] Sophie: Why don't I run this one, Nate? Nate: Yeah. [Mansion Dining Room] Nate: I don't nag. You know, I just have, you know, a clear big-picture viewpoint. Hardison: Actually, you know what? We did kind of liked the way Sophie ran the last one. Eliot: Yeah. Yeah. [Egyptian Room] Eliot: Up until the point where she got us caught, but other than that— [Mansion Dining Room] Eliot: --it was great. Nate: Yeah, all right. Fine, fine. You're in therapy? Um… [Blackpoole Gallery] Nate: How come you didn't -- [Mansion Dining Room] Hardison: Mmm. None of that. No. No. Hey, I will cut you off. [Blackpoole Gallery] Maggie: What did Parker switch his allergy medication with? [Egyptian Room] Sophie: Pollen, ragweed mostly. And dextroamphetamines. [Blackpoole Gallery] Maggie: Ooh! (Lloyd uses a nasal spray and turns to walk down the hall, bumping into Parker) Lloyd: Oh, I’m so sorry. Parker: Oh, I’m so sorry. (Parker drops a pair of glasses on the floor and takes the pair from Lloyd’s jacket. Lloyd bends to pick up the glasses on the floor) Parker: Did I step on your glasses? (Parker takes his cell phone from his pocket) Lloyd: No, no, no, it's okay. Parker: Okay, good. [Egyptian Room] Sophie: Okay, why don't you run up to him? Being just a little bit out of breath, it changes the speech rhythms— [Blackpoole Gallery] Sophie: --makes it harder to detect a lie. (Maggie passes Parker, taking Lloyd’s phone, and starts to run) Maggie: Lloyd! [Mansion Dining Room] Hardison: See? Like that right there. It's informative. Eliot: You learn and you con. [Blackpoole Gallery] Maggie (holds out phone): You forgot this in my office. Lloyd: I--when was that? Maggie: Five minutes ago. I showed the designs for the two Davids exhibit. You signed off on the benches. You okay? Sophie: Good. Now steer him towards me. Don't tell him. [Egyptian Room] Sophie: Just give him half an idea. Let him complete it. [Blackpoole Gallery] Maggie: I'll bring you the rest of the plans after your thing in the Egyptian Room. Lloyd: I have a thing in the Egyptian room? (Lloyd puts on his glasses but everything is blurry) [Security Control Room] Sterling: Roll that back. (guard rewinds the security feed to show Maggie and Parker passing on the balcony) Sterling: That's Parker. Stay on Dr. Collins. Geary: Dr. Lloyd's there, too. Sterling: Stay on Dr. Collins. [Egyptian Room] (Lloyd enters, coughing, and puts his laptop on the stage) Sophie: Ahlan Biki, Director Lloyd. Dr. Rahman of the Cairo Museum. I was, I was so worried that I had the wrong day. Lloyd: Oh, no, no. I-I don't have an appointment. (checks his computer, coughing) Oh, yes, I do. Sophie: Oh, dear, that, um, no, that doesn't sound good at all. Lloyd: I've had it for weeks. Sophie: Well, I’ve confirmed the markings, and I concur, definitely fourth dynasty. (looks at sarcophagus on stage) The sarcophagus of Pharaoh Menkaure. (Lloyd puts on his glasses, but can’t focus) Lloyd: Everything's blurry. Sophie: I'm so relieved to finally meet someone who's got the good sense to ignore all that silly, silly curse business. Lloyd: Say what? Sophie: Well, I’ll certify the authenticity as you requested. It was very nice to meet you. (Lloyd shakes Sophie’s hand, coughing on it) Sophie: Thank you. Um... (wipes hand on dress) So, oh, goodbye, then. And, well, I-I recommend y-you see a doctor about that cough. It does seem to be going to your chest. Lloyd: It's just allergies. (coughing, Lloyd turns and pulls up a browser on his laptop, checking web pages) [Mansion Dining Room] Hardison: Okay, he's just checked all the places the sarcophagus was stored before it hit the museum. Nate: Okay. What's he found? Hardison: Oh. Well, looky here. Dr. Ernst Volk, University of Berlin, dead. Dr. Schliemann, London museum, dead. Oh. Oh, and also the three guys that actually discovered the tomb. Eliot, what does that say? Eliot: It says "dead." Hardison: D-E-D, dead, baby. Eliot and Nate: D-E-A-D. Hardison: I-I know how to-- I was throwing a little style on it, Just a little bit, a little style. I know how to spell "dead," damn it. I can steal a bank, I can spell "dead." [Egyptian Room] (Sophie pauses near the doorway and looks back at Lloyd, who seems panicked) Sophie: Wrap it up now, Maggie. You're doing great. Maggie: There you are. Can you just sign these? Lloyd: Sure. Hey, uh, Maggie, you don't believe in curses, do you? You know, mummy's curses, unexplained deaths around sarcophaguses? (laughs nervously) Maggie (laughs): Don't be silly. Everyone knows it's a fungus. Lloyd: What? Maggie: Aspergillus flavus, found on Egyptian artifacts. Gets in the eyes and nose, infection spreads, and the next thing you know, another death from the curse. Lloyd: So, uh, what are the symptoms? Maggie: Congestion, memory loss, blurry vision. (Maggie walks away and Lloyd looks at the sarcophagus) [Restoration Room] (workers move the sarcophagus across the room to a crate where Maggie is standing) Lloyd: Yep, yep, yep, yep. Seal it up. Seal it up. (workers turn around to reveal they are Nate, Hardison and Eliot) [Mansion Foyer] (Eliot is sitting working on some equipment when Sophie walks down the stairs with Nate) Sophie: It's a good idea. I just, um (she sees Eliot) just-just give me a moment. (Nate walks into the dining room while Sophie walks over to Eliot) Eliot: You need something? Sophie: I was just trying to make myself useful. Eliot: Yeah, well, last time you tried that, we had to blow up the office. Sophie: That's not fair. Eliot: I was just getting used to it. Sophie: What? Having an office? Eliot: Being part of a team. Sophie: Look, I didn't mean, you know, it wasn't supposed to go down like that. (Parker walks in and tosses a bag on the floor near Eliot) Parker: What's going on? Eliot: Sophie here was just trying to apologize. (Hardison carries the painting into the room) Sophie: No, I wasn't. Parker: She tried that with me earlier. She kind of sucks at it. Eliot: A little bit. Hardison: Oh, did she give you the speech about how we're thieves and about how this is what thieves do and if we were in her shoes, we'd have done the same thing? Eliot: No, I think she was just getting to that part. (Eliot puts the part he was working on down and stands up) Eliot: You apologized to him first, huh? Why am I last? Sophie: I wasn't apologizing. I... Eliot: That's the problem. Sophie: I just wanted to see if w-we… we were all okay with each other. Eliot: Okay. There it is. Parker: I forgive you. Hardison: Apology accepted. Eliot: Yeah. (Parker and Eliot move to help Hardison put up the painting) Sophie: No, I wasn't— unh-unh, you, I didn't... (Hardison puts the painting on the mantle) Sophie: Oh, no, no. Just, uh, edge it left a little bit. (Hardison and Parker move the painting) Sophie: Yeah [Blackpoole Gallery] (workmen are installing benches in the gallery with Maggie supervising) Maggie: Line this end up with the Vermeer. Careful. Watch the floor. Right in front of the Rembrandt so it's lit up by the skylight. (Sterling stands on the balcony, watching) [Blackpoole Gallery] (Ian stands in front of the display of two Davids, photographers taking pictures, Sterling standing on the balcony looking down) Ian: And now, for the first time in 400 years, the two Davids are reunited. I would like to express my gratitude to the museum staff and, of course, our fund-raisers and all of you for the opportunity of presenting Michelangelo... (Geary approaches Sterling and they begin walking down the balcony) Geary: Pictures have been distributed. We're scanning every guest that comes into the museum. Sterling: Eliot Spencer? Geary: Eliot Spencer, (referencing files) wanted in five countries, including Myanmar— (Eliot walks behind Geary and Sterling, pausing to listen for a moment as they walk away from him) Geary: --which is offering a half-million-dollar bounty on his head. Sterling: Bringing Spencer to justice and getting paid for it? It's icing on the cake. (Geary and Sterling get into an elevator) [Museum Lobby] (Geary and Sterling walk out of the elevator) Sterling: Parker? Geary: Parker. Wanted in nine countries, including Brazil and Yemen. Sterling: Yeah, tough choice. I'll have to flip a coin. (Parker is working in the gift shop of the lobby, watching them walk by) Sterling: How about Sophie Devereaux? Geary: England, France, Spain, Luxembourg -- Europe, basically. Sterling: France. Wonderful shopping, horrifying prisons. (they walk past Sophie, who stifles a laugh) [Mechanical Room] (Hardison turns on a light on his hat, opening a panel and attaching clips) Sterling: Alec Hardison. Geary: Well, he better not show his face in Iceland. [Security Control Room] Sterling: Perfect. I'll drop him off on my way to France. Geary (looking at monitors): Nathan Ford. Sterling: Oh, I have something special planned for him. Geary: No, no, no. (points at monitors) It's Nathan Ford. (monitors show Nate approaching the building) Sterling: Uh-oh. (Geary and Sterling leave the room quickly) [Museum Lobby] (Nate enters, to be met by Sterling and Geary) Ian: Well, well, well. What the hell are you doing here? Nate: Well, I bought a ticket. It's open to the public. Sterling: I don't think -- Ian: Of course. Enjoy yourself. Nate (to Sterling): You heard him. (walks away) Ian: Conspiracy to commit robbery is what, five years? Catching him in the act, 20. (walks away) Sterling: Pull guys off the galleries. Follow Nate Ford. Geary: Where are you going? Sterling: To scratch an itch. [Security Control Room] (Lloyd stands behind Sterling, sneezing) Lloyd: You know, I have a museum to run. Sterling: Did anything happen here? (monitor shows Maggie talking to Maggie on the balcony) Lloyd: No. Sterling: Dr. Collins was asking you something. You were working on something. Lloyd: No, she didn't. I... I moved a mummy. Sterling: Why? Lloyd: No reason. (Sterling hands Lloyd a box of tissues) [Blackpoole Gallery] (Nate stands in front of the display case holding the two Davids, eating popcorn. He turns to see Sterling rushing Lloyd across the floor) Sterling: Come on! Come on! (Sterling looks at Nate through the doorway as he passes. Nate turns back to the Davids) [Restoration Room] (Sterling walks over to the sarcophagus and looks up) Sterling: Look at this! Directly under the Davids. Out of the sight lines of the cameras. They're gonna drill right up and through the display base. Geary: Who? Who? Sterling: Whoever's hiding in that sarcophagus. Come on. (Geary and Sterling pry open the sarcophagus to reveal a mummy, that falls to the floor leaving a cloud of dust) Lloyd: That's a mummy. (an alarm goes off. They look up to see a small flashing light on a device in the ceiling) Lloyd: I think you set something off. Sterling: Yeah. (rushes out) [Blackpoole Gallery] (the clear case holding the Davids begins to fill with smoke) Woman: Why is it doing that? (Nate walks over to examine the case and turns, looking at his phone and hitting a button to make a connection. On the balcony, Sophie’s phone beeps. She pulls it out and looks at the display, which shows it is connecting) [Museum Lobby] (Parker’s phone beeps. She looks at the display which shows it is connection. Then it is connected and displays a series of numbers) [Hallway] (Eliot’s phone beeps. He looks at the display, which shows connected and a series of numbers [Mechanical Room] (Hardison’s phone shows four connections and sets of synchronized numbers) [Museum Miscellaneous Locations] (Nate’s phone shows a countdown from five minutes and he walks away. Sophie smiles. Parker smiles. Eliot closes his phone and starts walking) [Blackpoole Gallery] (Ian pushes his way into the Gallery toward the Davids display) Ian: I can't see them! Sterling, get this thing open! Sterling (to guards): You two, open this up. Guard: We can't. Homeland security. Sterling: What? Lloyd: An unnamed gas has been released in a public space. We have to evacuate the building. Ian: Evacuate? Lloyd: It's federal protocol. Ian: We're not gonna evacuate. Lloyd: It's federal protocol for a chemical attack! Woman: Did you say chemical attack? Sterling: There is no chemical attack. It's a robbery. Woman: It's a robbery! Robbery! (everyone starts running toward the doors) Sterling: Fine! Bloody hell! (into radio) All right. All security personnel, evacuate the building immediately. Evacuate the building immediately! Ian: You can't leave. We don't even know if they're in there. Sterling: We have no choice. (men exit room, but Ian hesitates [Museum Lobby] Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, we ask that you evacuate… (Parker helps a man with a heavy backpack. The man pulls a copy of the David statue out and smiles. Many of the people in the lobby are holding copies of the statue. Sterling and Ian enter the lobby, looking around at all the statues) Ian: What the hell is going on here? (everyone in the lobby has a statue) Sterling: They've already stolen them. They're using the crowd to smuggle them out with the fakes! Nobody move until I’ve confiscated all the statues! (grabs a statue) Guard: Excuse me, sir. I thought we were evacuating. Lloyd: We are. Keep them moving. We've got to get out. Sterling (into radio): All right, Geary, corral them outside. [Mechanical Room] (Hardison is using his phone to access a remote system) [Museum Exterior] (the steps are crowded with people. Sterling, Ian and Lloyd stand at the top of the steps) Sterling: Everybody, hand your statues to the men in the black suits. Lloyd: Fine. Do whatever you need to do now. At least we got everyone out of the building. Sterling: He got everyone out of the building. [Mechanical Room] (Hardison locks the exterior doors of the Museum) [Museum Exterior] (Sterling rushes to the doors, but they are locked) Sterling: They triggered the door locks. (Ian tries the doors as well, frantically trying to get inside) Sterling (on radio) Geary. Geary, where's Ford? [Balcony] Geary: We have an alarm on the roof! Up on the roof. (Geary and his men enter a stairway) [Museum Roof] (Nate hooks a rope to his harness and throws the rope down a hatch. He looks over to see the guards enter the roof, pulling their guns, then jumps down) [Blackpoole Gallery] (Nate lands on the gallery floor, joining the others) [Museum Roof] (guards approach the open hatch with guns drawn. They look down to see the crew gathered in the gallery. The rope releases, falling into the gallery. The guards run toward the stairs) [Blackpoole Gallery] (the doors and gates slide down, sealing the gallery off from the rest of the building) Nate: Let's go to work. [Museum Lobby] (guards open the doors, letting Ian, Sterling, Lloyd and Maggie inside. They walk toward the Blackpoole Gallery) Ian: You got him? Sterling: I got all of them. Lloyd: Just a panic. The fire department's here. This is your idea of control? (they come to a stop in front of the sealed entrance to the gallery) Sterling (to Maggie): This is your last chance, Maggie. Come clean. Maggie: I don't know what you're talking about. (the door opens, revealing Nate standing in a pool of light, the two Davids still in their case behind him) [Blackpoole Gallery] (everyone enters the gallery slowly) Ian: Two Davids. (laughs) Thank god. Sterling: Got you, Nate. Nate: Yes. That was the whole point. Geary: Power's back up in about 15 seconds. Sterling: What do you mean? Nate: You know, all that chasing me around. "Don't let Nate Ford near the two Davids." "How is Nate Ford gonna get the two Davids?" I wasn't the mastermind on this one, Sterling. I'm the bait. Three, two, one. (gates open and lights come up revealing that all the paintings have been stolen from the walls. Everyone looks around, stunned) Ian: No! T-the room was locked! Nate: Sometimes the classics really are the best. Lloyd: They were masterpieces! They're worth -- Maggie: $150 million. The Vermeer, Caravaggio, two van Eyck’s. At least…. Lloyd: We need to call the police. (dials phone) Nate: Yes, he's right. We really should call the police. Ian: No, not the police. Lloyd: What do you mean? Ian: No, I’m responsible! All the paintings in this room, they were my responsibility. No, they were all loaned to me... Sterling: Oh, well done. Nate: Every single masterpiece in this room is insured by IYS. That's a $150 million payout. Now, what do you think your board of directors are gonna do when they realize that you've lost the company $150 million? (Ian grabs a gun from one of the guards and points it at Nate) Ian: Where are they? Sterling: Clear the room. (most people begin moving out of the room) Ian: Where are they? Sterling: Clear the room! (Geary grabs Maggie’s arm and pulls her toward the doorway) Geary: Come on. (the room is cleared leaving only Ian, Nate and Sterling) Nate: Are you here to kill me, Ian? (Ian cocks the gun) Nate: Hmm. Here's how it's gonna go, Sterling. Sterling: I'm all ears. Ian: No, you talk to me, not to him. You talk to me. Nate: Every single painting will be returned to IYS the moment Ian Blackpoole is stripped of his position and all his assets in the company. Also, his policy of denying every claim, that ends. Sterling: Extortion. Nate: I prefer to call it "oversight." (Nate picks up a recorder from the Davids display case and hits a button) Ian (on recording): Last time I saw you, you were selling me something. Nate (on recording): I got out of sales. [Flashback] Ian: So, what are you in now? Nate: Theft. Yeah, I’m going to rob the two Davids gallery on opening day. Well, aren't you gonna call the police? Ian: Of course not. [Blackpoole Gallery] (Nate turns off the recording and tosses it to Sterling) Nate: When the owners of these paintings realize that Ian knew there was gonna be a theft, but didn't call the police, well, they're gonna sue the hell out of him, aren't they? Sterling: But if the company, in good faith, returns their paintings? Nate: They might not fire you if you give them Blackpoole. (Sterling laughs. Ian turns the gun on him) Ian: No. Sterling, you work for me. (turns the gun on Nate) IYS is my company. Nate: Can't let personal feelings affect policy. You have a responsibility to shareholders. No exceptions. (Nate takes the gun away from Ian and steps closer to him) Nate: I have lost my only son. Do you really think you scare me? Huh? (Ian backs away) Ian: Maggie! [Museum Lobby] (Ian walks over to Maggie, followed by Nate and Sterling) Ian: Well, you understand – (Maggie punches Ian in the face. He falls to the floor) Maggie: Screw therapy. That felt really good. (walks away) Sterling: Of course, you know your entire plan depended on me being a self-serving, utter bastard. Nate: Hmm. Yeah, that's a stretch. (Nate hands Sterling the gun and heads for the door) Sterling: I'll call you when it's done. Nate: You do that. Geary: Where are you going? (Nate leaves the Museum) Geary: Where's he going?! (Lloyd sneezes. Sterling walks away. Ian straightens his tie) [Blackpoole Gallery] (Maggie and Nate are sitting on the edge of one of the benches in the half darkened room) Maggie: Will you stop now? Nate: I don't know. Maggie: Interesting. Nate: Hmm? Maggie: You admitting you don't know something. (Nate laughs as his phone rings. He answers it and listens for a moment before hanging up) Nate: It's done. Blackpoole's out. Maggie: Time to return the artwork? Nate: I think so. (Maggie and Nate stand. Nate picks up the edge of the cushion revealing a hole down into a storage room off the restoration room where the rest of the team is waiting) [Storage Room] (Sophie carries a painting across the room. Hardison helps Maggie off the ladder. All of the paintings are piled against the walls.) [Restoration Room] (Nate pushes aside the crate holding the sarcophagus, opening a doorway from the storage room. Maggie and the others follow him out) Nate: Eliot and Hardison will replace the floor panel, seal the hole. No one will ever know what happened. Sophie: We'll move the artwork into the loading dock, make it look like someone from the outside dropped it off. (Eliot pushes the sarcophagus back into place) Maggie: You are not the man I married. Nate: Well, what do you think of this version? Maggie: I don't love him, but I might like him a little more. (walks away [Airplane Hanger] (the team stands in a circle, dressed for travelling) Nate: Thank you, all of you. You surprised me. Eliot: We had a good run. Hardison: It's a good time to move on. Parker: I'm going somewhere... else. Sophie: A fresh start. Nate: We made a difference. Remember that. Hardison (to Parker): Where you going? Parker: Let's see how hard you look. (the team separates reluctantly, each going a different direction. They all pause for a long moment, then the screen goes to black) The End |
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