Leverage Transcripts derived from the closed captions available online and formated by slaysvamps. Feel free to download and share, but please give credit and a link back to me here.
Leverage Main | When Darkness Falls

4x18 The Last Dam Job

[Renton Federal Penitentiary]

(Nate sits in the visiting room, waiting for Dubenich, who is brought in by a guard)

On PA: Guard station 5, one for transfer to the infirmary. Guard station 5.

Guard: You got 10 minutes.

(Guard leaves room)

Dubenich: Hey. (sits down) Penny for your thoughts.

Nate: You missed.

Dubenich: Mm, yeah. But this close. Well, what's it been? Three years and five months, four days? Is it special seeing your very first victim?

Nate: You are going to regret this.

Dubenich: Well, Nate, all a man has in this world -- all he has -- are three things -- his business, his possessions... and his name. When you take all that away, any man will kill.

(Nate leans forward threateningly)

Dubenich: Hey. Hey. Really, man, I-I'm really -- I'm not scared of you. But aren't you just a little bit scared of me? After all, I know all of your secrets.

Nate: You tell Latimer my secrets?

Dubenich: Well, sure, I told him. I mean, after all, I need help. And Lati-- well, Jack's always been someone who knows the value of information.

Nate: What's this about, Victor?

Dubenich: Well, Nate... It's about consequences. You cannot walk this earth playing judge and jury with people's lives and not suffer consequences.

Nate: You brought this out on yourself. You tried to kill me and my team.

Dubenich: Your team? They're my team! Mine! I put them together, and then I handed them to you. I did all the research. I know exactly who they are. I know their techniques, I know their contacts, and I know your team better than anyone. I certainly know them better than you. (sighs) I'm sorry. So, what have you been doing for three years? Playing Robin Hood? Know what I've been doing for three years? I've been preparing for this day.

Nate: Well... You'll have to do better.

Dubenich: Better than killing your father? Wow. Tough room. If you're thinking of ratting me out to Latimer about crossing the line and killing your father, don't bother. He knows. He approved it. After all, I made him millions. Well, technically, you made him millions.

Nate: Do you remember when I said to you, next time we would meet, that I wouldn't be so nice?

Dubenich: Yeah.

Nate: Okay. Welcome to the next time.

(Dubenich nods. Nate gets up and leaves)

[Exterior Car]

(Nate opens passenger door and gets in beside Sophie)

Sophie: What'd you get?

Nate: Latimer's protecting him. We have to crack Latimer first to get a clear run at Dubenich.

Sophie: What do you mean a clear run? Dubenich is already in jail. What's left to do to him?

(Nate looks at Sophie. She shakes her head and starts the car)

[Latimer Diversified, Hallway]

Latimer: Rita, walk with me.

Rita: Yes, Mr. Latimer.

Latimer: I need the financials on the Olschan deal and confirmation that Shanghai signed off on the Bellington partnership.

(Behind Latimer and Rita, Parker is holding a box and wearing a dark wig)

Rita: All right. And what about conference room...

Parker: I'm at Latimer's office. Keypad. (approaches door and pauses)

[Interior Van]

Hardison: Okay, hold -- hold on, hold on, guys. (typing on keyboard) Latimer's got some serious security software on his mainframe.

[Latimer Diversified, Hallway]

Hardison: Got it.

(keypad beeps, door opens, Parker smiles and enters)

[Latimer's Office]

(Parker crosses room to computer)

Hardison: Okay, remember -- insert the crypto key first and then plant the bugs.


Hardison: Eliot, how you doing on server access?

Eliot (wearing facilities uniform): I'm on my way. (abandon's mop and bucket and goes up the stairs)

[Latimer Diversified, Lobby]

(Employees are readying area for a party)

Man: Bring that over here.

Latimer: Come on, people. This has to be ready for the party.

Head Thug: Sir? Sir?

(Head Thug shows video of Parker on a pad. Facial recognition software identifies her. Latimer touches screen, which changes to show Eliot in stairway)

Head Thug: Sir, what is this?

Latimer: Proof that a friend of mine is very, very smart.

[Interior Van]

(alarms go off on monitors)

Hardison: G-guys, somebody caught my intrusion, somebody looking for my software... Specifically my software. I'm locked out.

[Latimer's Office]

(door closes, keypad light turns red, door locks)

Parker: That's never a good sound.


(men enter stairway. Eliot looks up to see them looking down at him)

Man: There he is!

Eliot: We're blown. (heads down the stairs)

[Interior Van]

Hardison: Parker? (looking at monitors) P-Parker, I don't see an exit for -- you know, hold on. Oh, I'll think of something. (moves to front of van)

[Latimer's Office]

(Parker drapes rope over railing then goes back inside)

Parker: Oh, I'll think of something. (takes harness from box)


(Eliot continuing down the stairs punches a guard and knocks him down before taking two fire extinguishers from wall)

Eliot: Coming through the lobby hot.

[Interior Van]

Hardison (starts van): It's gonna be a little crowded in there.

(Hardison accelerates through an intersection, nearly causing an accident)

[Latimer Enterprises, Lobby]

(Eliot runs carrying fire extinguishers and chased by guards)

Eliot: You think?

(more guards see Eliot, but he holds them all off with the fire extinguishers. Hardison pulls up in the van outside)

[Latimer's Office]

(guards enter room)

Parker: Whoo-hoo-hoo!

(a table slides across the floor with a rope tied to it)

[Exterior Street]

(Eliot continues to hold off guards with the fire extinguishers before climbing in the van)

Eliot: Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

Hardison: Where's Parker? We can't --

Parker (landing on roof, putting her head in the window): You heard the man. Go!

Eliot: Man, just go!

(Hardison drives away)

Parker: Whoo!

(guards exit the building rubbing their eyes, unable to see)

Guards: Where'd they go? Where'd they go?

[Leverage Headquarters]

(Nate is asleep on a cot, empty bottles and papers scattered around him as the others enter)

Hardison: Man, I hope you have a plan double "Z," man, 'cause we got... nothing.

Parker: Whoa.

(Sophie is in the kitchen pouring coffee, she gestures toward Nate)

Hardison: Boy, he upped the crazy. I didn't think he could do it.

Eliot: Nate.

Nate (wakes): Whoa. Verdagra. (stands) It all started with Verdagra, guys.

Hardison (to Parker): Was that the job with the potato?

Parker: Mm-hmm. I liked that potato.

Nate: For three years, Victor Dubenich, from prison, has been telling Jack Latimer who we were gonna hit and when. And every time, he has profited from our work, except once, when he saved the CEO of Verdagra, the one that we took down -- why?

Eliot: 'Cause he needed someone in power at the company, somebody in his pocket.

Nate (points to display): These are the land tracts that Verdagra sold to Latimer, okay, with the CEO of Verdagra's approval.

Hardison: What does he want with all that land?

Eliot: It's not the land. It's what's underneath, the water rights. Land without water is just dirt.

Nate: We have thousands of acres of private property all seized from locals. Latimer -- he controls the water facilities, the pipelines, the dams. Our key right now is Bellington dam. Now, that's what he wanted the patent for, because he wants to build that water filter on this dam. So this is it. This right here -- this is our job.

Eliot: No, this -- we can't do this job, all right? We couldn't even do a simple recon.

Parker: Yeah, Dubenich already warned him about us.

Hardison: We're talking advanced biometrics, facial recognition. They even countered my software -- I mean, spanked it.

Nate: We need backup.

Sophie: He's been planning this for three years. He's gonna know every friend, everyone in the game.

Hardison: Anyone we could trust who we could call.

Nate: We find someone who is not a friend, someone who's not in the game, someone we do not trust. That's what we do.

[Kiev, Ukraine]

(Quinn sitting in a chair wearing handcuffs, surrounded by armed men)

Thug: So, maybe now, we'll renegotiate the deal.

Quinn: Re-negotiation after the package has already been delivered. Hardly seems fair. What terms did you have in mind?

Eliot (enters room): Quinn.

(several men point their weapons at Eliot)

Eliot: You're a hard man to find.

Quinn: Eliot Spencer.


(Quinn kicks him in the ribs, throwing him back, and kicks him again. Eliot groans in pain)

Quinn: That rib's broken.

[Kiev, Ukraine]

Quinn: You picked a hell of a time to settle scores there, pal.

Thug: Who are you?

Eliot: Hey. I'm not settling any scores here. I came to offer you a job.

Quinn: As you can see, (holds up cuffed hands) I am fairly unhappy in my current job situation. What terms did you have in mind?

Eliot: One week. S--

(Eliot starts to move forward but two men level their guns at him. He grabs the guns and knocks the men down)

Eliot: Six figures.

Quinn: Not bad.

(Quinn stands and knocks out two of the men)

Eliot: And I'd owe you a favor.

Quinn: All right, I can deal with that.

(Quinn knocks out another man, as does Eliot, leaving only the Thug standing)

Eliot: We got a deal?

Quinn: Deal. (they shake) Now if we can just get the keys to these pesky handcuffs.

Eliot: Who's got them? (to Thug) You have them? Do you have them?

[Exterior Sidewalk]

(Archie walks behind his daughter and granddaughter, the later of which is holding a lollipop)

Daughter: Ever since mom passed, I've been worried about you in that big old house all alone.

Archie: Oh, ho, ho.

Daughter: Anyway, I was thinking you sell the place and move into one of those lovely assisted-living places over by us, and then –

(Parker walks between the daughter and granddaughter, brushing past Archie)

Archie: Parker?

(Parker stops and turns to look at him)


Archie: I made her, honed her -- my perfect thief.

Nate: She was your legacy.

Archie: I taught her everything I know and unleashed her on the world.

[Exterior Sidewalk]

Archie (holds out hand): My wallet.

(Parker hands him his wallet)

Archie: And hers.

(Parker pulls a wallet from her pocket and hands it to Archie who gives it to his daughter)

Archie: And...

(Parker holds up the lollipop and protests as Archie takes it from her and gives it to his granddaughter)

Daughter: Dad, who is this?

Archie: This... (looks at Parker) This is my daughter. (takes her arm

Parker: See you later, sis.

(Parker and Archie walk away)

[Coffee Shop]
Hardison (leaning over table): Now, listen, I hate you. I can't stand you. But if we're gonna do this, we do it my way. You listen to me. If I even –

Chaos: Say my name. (sips coffee)

Hardison: If you even think about breaking protocol --

Chaos: Say my name.

Hardison: Chaos.


Chaos: I have the cameras now, Hardison.

Hardison: Now I have the cameras and the motion sensors.

Chaos: No... I have the cameras and the motion sensors. I also have the lasers.

[Coffee House]

(Chaos stands and gathers his things, including a suitcase)

Hardison: Now, we need -- you're already -- you're already packed?

Chaos: Really, who else are you gonna call? I want my usual fee plus expenses, and Parker dresses up as Starbuck from "Battlestar Galactica." (walks toward door)

Hardison (following): Hey! It's not happening.

Chaos: I'll accept Sophie as Counselor Troi. We'll negotiate on the flight.

Hardison: So wrong on so many levels.

[Lattimer Diversified, Lobby]

Head Thug: He's here. Sir, this man shouldn't even be on the premises. He is a felon.

Latimer: We kick all the felons out of finance, Wall Street would be a parking lot. (approaches Dubenich) Victor "Dubinich."

(the two men hug)

Dubenich: Uh, Dubenich, but that's all -- that's all right. I just want to thank you for the early release.

Latimer: Hey, it's amazing what you can do with a couple of governors in your pocket. Say -- your friends paid me a visit.

Dubenich: You just lend me a couple of guys who don't ask questions, I'll take care of it.

Latimer (to Head Thug): Get this man everything he wants.

(Dubenich whispers in Latimer's ear)

Latimer: And a jet.

[Leverage HQ, Hallway]

Dubenich (looking at paper): Hmm, let's see. 2A. 2B -- no, no, no. Okay. Well, this is it.

(camera pans to reveal half a dozen men with guns who move forward. Dubenich takes out his own gun and cocks it)

Dubenich: And... knock, knock.

[Leverage HQ, Hallway]

(door bursts open to reveal stripped room)

Dubenich: What are you doing? What the hell? (looks around) Nate? Where are you, Nate?

(Dubenich flips a wiped display board and reads the fragments that remain)

Dubenich: I don't care how far underground he's gone. I'm gonna find him. Move!


(Hardison and Chaos enter the cavern, looking around)

Hardison: No. You got me a Batcave?! A Batcave!

Nate: No, I did not.

Chaos: Yeah, this is totally a Batcave. Okay, you guys suck a little less now.

(Quinn and Eliot walk by carrying the framed portrait of Nate)

Quinn: What the hell is this?

Eliot: Don't ask.

Archie: These were the old subway lines, sealed up when the new tunnels were built under the bay. I used them myself back in the '60s after a rather spectacular jewelry heist.

Chaos: Wow, you are super old. Thank you for the history lesson. Maybe later, you can tell us about that one time you punched Hitler in the face. Parker, still yummy.

Archie (holds cane to Chaos' chin): I own two canes -- one with a taser capable of delivering 10,000 volts. The other extends a 6-inch stiletto blade.

Chaos: Which one is... is this one?

Archie: Oh, I don't seem to remember. I am super old.

Sophie (pushes cane aside): All right, Archie. We need him, regrettably.

(later, group is gathered sitting in a circle)

Hardison: Latimer's in the middle of a deal with the Chinese investors for control over the dam and the network of facilities that it serves.

Chaos: But, according to federal land-use laws, he must maintain these facilities in proper working order, or he forfeits control.

Eliot: There's not enough of us to take all that down.

Hardison: Network. Network means they're connected. It's like hacking any other network. We just find a weak spot – Then we –

Chaos: We apply maximum pressure. To create maximum chaos.

Quinn: Can I hit him?

Eliot: Which one?

Quinn: Either one.

Eliot (to Sophie): You see, it's not just me.

Nate: Here's our problem. Hardison signs on to any computer on Latimer's network, it triggers alarms. Parker goes anywhere near anything valuable, alarms. Eliot shows his face anywhere, a lot of alarms. Sophie talks to anyone Latimer knows, and I bet Dubenich will personally fall out of the sky. That is why we need you. But you are gonna follow my people's lead. And I want to make something very clear. Nobody goes near Victor Dubenich. He is mine. Understood?

(later, Nate loads a revolver in a side cave)

Sophie: Your father's gun.

(Nate ignores her and continues loading the gun)

Sophie: I don't have a lot of rules in this world. Three, actually -- don't count the money till after the con, know when to walk away from the con, and –

Nate: "The Gambler"? You're -- you're basing your life philosophy on a Kenny Rogers song?

Sophie: And don't get involved with a murderer.

Nate: Oh, Eliot's killed.

Sophie: Yeah. You're too bright for me to dignify that with a response. (turns away)

Nate: Aren't you gonna take the gun?

Sophie: Like I said, you're very bright. You'll just find another one.

[Bellington Dam, Exterior]

(Eliot and Hardison push a cart down a walkway)

Eliot: How long before video nails us?

Hardison: Facial-recognition software takes about seven minutes to tag us, give or take.

(alarm goes off)

Eliot: Seven min-- damn it, Hardison!

(they begin running)

Hardison: What part of "give or take" do you clearly not understand?

Guard: There they are!

Guard 2: Captain, we've spotted them! North side! North side!

Eliot (opens doors) Come on.

[Bellington Dam, Interior]

(Eliot and Hardison enter the damn, bringing cart. They look over the controls area of the damn. Dubenich knocks on a window and waves)

Hardison: I forgot how much I hate him. (moves away) Eliot!

Guard: Hold it right there!

[Bellington Dam, Control Room]

Dubenich: Okay, listen, we're gonna have computer intrusion any minute. This is firewall protocol that'll block the hacker's software. (hands Operator a paper) Hardison will be completely locked out.

Operator: Who?

Dubenich: Doesn't matter. Just go. He can't hack if he can't get into the computer.

[Bellington Dam, Interior]

Guard: There they are!

(guards approach Eliot and Hardison)

Eliot: Boys.

(guards attack, Eliot takes them out while Hardison grabs a bag from the cart. Small round balls drop from the bag)

Eliot: Go, go, go! (into earpiece) You better be ready, Quinn. (continues to fight guards)

[Haverford Water Control and Power Plant]

Operator 2: We want to confirm the main check was done.

Chaos (to Quinn): Yeah. I bet you were born ready, right? Come on, dude. I know you want to say it. "I was born ready."

Quinn: I don't know how Eliot does this.

[Bellington Dam, Interior]

(Eliot continues to fight guards while Hardison moves to a control valve)

Hardison (into earpiece): Now!

[Haverford Water Control and Power Plant]

Chaos: Hang on, Hardison. I'm almost online. This place is so old, it doesn't have any modern security measures. But it's still tied in to the main dam's maintenance system, so this is what we call a back door.

Quinn: How many fingers do you need to type? Round down.

(the sound of a car pulling up and men yelling attracts Quinn's attention and he moves to look out of an open garage door)

Quinn (to Chaos) Come on, let's go.

(they move outside, down a stairway)

Chaos: Got to find another way online. Just keep those guys away from me for 30 seconds.

(Chaos hooks into a control panel while Quinn begins to fight the guards

[Bellington Dam, Control Room]

Operator: Computer intrusion.

Dubenich: Yeah, exactly like I told you.

Operator: It's not from here. It's coming from the other dam, 20 miles upriver. It's a different hacker, and he's in.

Dubenich: He's in where? W-what's he got access to?

Operator: The detection's low level. He only has maintenance.

Dubenich: So show me where maintenance is now!

(Operator gets up and Dubenich follows him from the room)

[Haverford Water Control and Power Plant]

(Quinn continues to fight the guards, keeping them away from Chaos, who types frantically)

[Bellington Dam, Interior]

(a green light comes on the control valve and Hardison reaches to open the valve)

[Haverford Water Control and Power Plant]

(Quinn continues to fight the guards, keeping them away from Chaos, who types frantically)

Chaos: Done! Done!

[Bellington Dam, Interior]

(Hardison opens the valve and pours the round balls into the valve before tossing the bag on the floor and running away)

[Haverford Water Control and Power Plant]

Chaos: Done!

(Quinn knocks out the last guard and moves to Chaos' side)

Quinn: Come on, come on.

(Quinn and Chaos run to the end of the walkway and look down at the roiling water beneath them. Shots fire and they look back to see the guards pursuing them)

Quinn: You can call it a back door. It's a good thing.

(Quinn tosses Chaos over the rail and jumps after him)

Chaos: Aah!

[Bellington Dam, Interior]

(Operator approaches the opened valve and sees the round balls scattered about)

Operator: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. (pulls radio) Shut it down.

Dubenich: What's the matter?

Operator (into radio): Emergency shutdown -- all gates and pipes.

Dubenich: What?

Operator: Shut it down!

Dubenich: What are you doing? What'd he do? It's just ice, isn't it?

[Latimer Enterprises]

Operator (puts mussel on table): It's called quagga mussel. It's an invasive species of -- of shellfish from Europe. One fertilized female lays a million eggs. Now, we think he dumped about a thousand of those into the pipes at Bellingham.

Latimer: What will they do?

Operator: They'll breed till they clog all the cooling pipes. The turbines will overheat, and the dam will explode.

Latimer: So? Rinse them out.

Operator: If we do that... the quagga will spread downstream into your waterways, infecting and eventually destroying all of your other facilities. Also, the EPA will fine us for intentionally releasing a dangerous species into the environment. The fines will be in the millions. The dam is shut down, sir. A full year to decontaminate it.

Latimer: A year?! You made it impossible for Hardison to hack us with a computer, so he hacks us with a clam?!


(Chaos shivers and snuffles while sitting on a computer next to Hardison)

Hardison: Are you seriously gonna be doing that all day?

Chaos: Dude, I was thrown off a waterfall. At least your muscle guy had an exit.

Archie: Pardon me, lads.

Hardison (stands): Sir.

Archie: You've given me all these hacking devices and mini cameras and this, uh, electromagnetic thing.

Hardison: Well, this is an EM field supergenerator. It's a -- it's a magnet that scrambles the field resonance of laser alarm grids.

Parker: Cool!

Archie: Yeah, cool, but we're not gonna need these.

Parker: No, we won't.

Archie: Right. (gives devices to Chaos)

Hardison: Uh, might I remind you that your target is in a very complicated vault?

Archie: I'm not gonna steal it from the vault. I'm stealing it from the middle of the room. We'll just need these. (hands Hardison a list)

Hardison: E-- I'm -- eggs, sugar, shortening, cardboard?

Archie: The thing to remember, son, is that nobody ever cuts the cake till somebody tells them to cut the cake.

Hardison: C-cut the cake. I'll -- I'll try to remember that, sir. Cut the cake.

Chaos: What is with the "sir"? Are you picking her up for the prom? No, I mean, Parker in a prom dress just sounds --

(Archie hits Chaos with the end of his walking stick, sending jolts of electricity into Chaos, who falls to the floor)

Archie: I guess it was the taser.

Parker: I love tasers.

[Latimer Enterprises, Lobby]

(a party is in full swing. In the middle of the lobby is a Japanese sword on display with many people admiring it)

[Latimer Enterprises, Loading Dock]

(Archie pushes a cart with a large cake toward a guard)

Archie: It's for the party.

Guard: Hang on one second. (checks a pad with the Leverage team's faces) Okay, you're clear.

(Archie enters the elevator with the cake)


(Archie knocks on the cart and Parker pops out of the cake, handing Archie a suit jacket and his cane before going up through a panel in the elevator ceiling)

[Latimer Enterprises, Lobby]

Archie (entering lobby and admiring sword): Lads, I'm here.

Hardison: I got you.

[Interior Van]

Hardison: Look, I'm telling you, it's not gonna work. Seriously, just stop.

Chaos: They are ready for your kung fu. They are completely unprepared for my drunken mastery.

Hardison: All right, go ahead. I'm telling you. It's not gonna work.

Chaos (looking at display): Well, that's weird. Hmm?

Hardison: Wow. This must be how Eliot feels. I just realized -- this is how he feels all the time. Just want to hit something.

[Latimer Enterprises, Lobby]

Latimer (to Dubenich): Never should have agreed to this. Hell, I almost lost that damn patent because of you.

Dubenich: No, it had to be something really valuable, or Ford would have seen through it too quickly. You didn't seem to have a problem with my plans when you were cashing in.

Latimer: Listen to me. Now, I've got to go in there and explain real nice to -- hello -- to those fellas why the shiny new American dam they're buying isn't working. They lose trust in me, I lose my company. This is my business, Victor. Nobody takes my business. (to investors) Ni hao.

Investor: Ni hao. Ni hao.

Dubenich: Business. I should have seen this coming. (to guards) You two. With me.

Archie (to Head Thug): It's really quite lovely, isn't it? Amazing. (walks away)

Dubenich (to Head Thug): Where are the valuables? A safe, a vault, anywhere that Latimer keeps his valuables, his possessions.

Head Thug: This way. Excuse me.

Dubenich (to other thugs): Come on, now!

(Dubenich and other thugs follows Head Thug. Archie watches them walk away with a smile. Latimer turns to see them leaving the room)

Dubenich: Let's go! Move! Move your ass! Come on! Come on!

Nate (to Latimer): Wow. Well, they're in a rush, huh? Facial-recognition software takes a few minutes to kick in. Oh, we got a little time.

Latimer: I'm gonna have you arrested now.

Nate: Come on, let's talk... Like gentlemen.

[Latimer Enterprises, Hallway]

(Head Thug exits an elevator followed by other thugs and Dubenich. They approach a door at the other end of the room as Parker drops down to the floor of the elevator behind them. Head Thug opens the door of the safe. Dubenich looks back to see an empty hallway as the elevator closes before leading the way into the safe)

[Latimer Enterprises, Safe]

Head Thug: It's mostly bearer bonds... (takes a small case from a cubical) Personal cash, and Mr. Latimer's liquid assets.

Dubenich: No, no, no. That's not flashy enough.

Head Thug: There's millions in here.

Dubenich: It's not just about value. Nathan Ford's MO is he pulls a high-profile theft, completely humiliates his opponent, and that guy feels so powerless that he's more likely to comply to the rest of the con.

(Head Thug puts the case back into the cubical)

Dubenich: No. See, it's not just stealing. It's psychological warfare. What is the most expensive thing upstairs? I mean, what is the most important thing in that room?

Head Thug: The emperor's sword. It's part of a private Chinese collection.

(Dubenich runs for the door and the elevator, followed by the other thugs, who close the safe door behind them)

[Latimer Enterprises, Hallway]

(all enter the elevator and Parker drops down from the ceiling. She looks at her phone and sees a video of Head Thug entering the code on the keypad)


(Archie places a button camera on Head Thug's security badge)

Archie: You know, it really is quite lovely, isn't it?

Head Thug: Yeah, it is.

(Head Thug enters a code on the keypad, opening the safe)

[Latimer Enterprises, Hallway]

(Parker enters the code on the keypad and enters the safe)

[Latimer Enterprises, Lobby]

Nate: The thing is, I'm a reasonable man. Here's what I'd like you to think about. Why don't you, uh, stop protecting Victor Dubenich, give him to me?

Latimer: What do I get out of it?

Nate: I stop.

Latimer: Your father was a penny-ante thief, and everything you do doesn't change the fact that you're the same stock.

Nate: Remember that.

Dubenich: Latimer! Latimer! He's here.

Latimer: Ford.

Dubenich: Yeah, of course he is. He wants the sword.

(Archie is standing near the sword when the lights go out)

Dubenich: Wait. Get the light! Lights! Get the lights on or a backup gen--

(the lights come back up. The sword is still in its stand)

Dubenich: Okay, it's still there. All right. Clear -- clear a path to the elevator.

Latimer: W-wait. You're -- you're making a scene.

Dubenich: There'd be more of a scene if it was stolen. Follow me. We got to open the vault.

(Archie is standing near the cake as Dubenich takes the sword away)

[Latimer Enterprises, Safe]

(Latimer watches as Dubenich places the sword in its place on the wall of the safe)

Dubenich: Okay, we're good.

[Latimer Enterprises, Hallway]

(Latimer, Dubenich and thugs exit the safe, closing the door. Halfway to the elevator, there is an explosion in the safe that rocks the building)

[Latimer Enterprises, Lobby]

(people mill in the lobby as Archie pushes the cake toward the exit)

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, please don't panic. Exit the building safely and orderly.

[Latimer Enterprises, Parking Garage]

(Archie pushes the cake toward the van as Chaos and Hardison exit the back doors. He pulls the sword from the cake and holds it up)

Hardison and Chaos together: Seriously?


(Archie uses his shock cane to overload a power socket in the floor, causing the lights to go out)

Dubenich: Lights! Get the lights back on!

(while the lights are out, Archie switches the real sword for a fake hilt that holds explosives)

Dubenich: Is there a backup generator in this stupid place? I don't care if it's a flashlight! Lights! Put men on every exit!

[Latimer Enterprises, Parking Garage]

(Archie wipes frosting from the blade of the sword and licks it from his finger)

[Latimer Enterprises, Hallway]

Dubenich: Your business... Your possessions... And your name.

Latimer: What?

Dubenich: I know what his plan is.

Latimer: How?

Dubenich: I... I gave it to him.


(Nate fires at a trio of glasses, missing with each shot. Eliot approaches from behind)

Eliot: You know a lot of things, Nate. You don't know how this is gonna change you.

Nate: You handled it.

Eliot: Well, you have no idea who I was before all this... started. That guy -- kid -- he had God in his heart, and he had a flag on his shoulder... Clean hands. And I ain't seen him in the mirror in over 10 years. And believe me... I get up every morning looking for him. So you can trust me when I tell you, you pull that trigger, and two men die -- the guy you kill... and the guy you used to be.

(Eliot walks away. Nate turns and fires at the glasses, hitting two of them)

[Latimer Enterprises, Lobby)

Dubenich: I know exactly what he's doing. He destroyed your business and he blew up your possessions, and now -- now he's gonna go after your name.

Latimer: My name's worth mud already. Rumors about the dam hit the market. Chinese are talking about backing out. My stock is down 10%.

Dubenich: Jack, Jack, it's more than that.

Latimer (pulls a letter from his pocket): This is a congressional summons. They want to talk about seizing my waterways for the public good because I can't maintain them. I'm flying to DC. I'm giving you full access to my security and an expense account. Have this taken care of before I get back, or you'll be back... in prison.

[Airport Bar]

(Jack is sitting at the bar drinking when the TV catches his attention)

Reporter: And in international news today, the big story is that Wall Street golden boy Jack Latimer is facing serious questions about what authorities are calling an unusual pattern of behavior. And it's safe to say that Jack Latimer's having...

Sophie (sits beside Latimer): Oh, dear. Someone's having a rough day, huh?

Latimer: I've had better.

Sophie: Well, then, here is to better days. (hands him a drink)

Latimer: Better days.

Dubenich: Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. No.

(Dubenich takes drink and pours it out on bar while a Thug takes Sophie by the arm and pulls her to her feet)

Thug: Stand up.

Sophie: All right.

Dubenich: Jack. Have a nice flight.

[Exterior Airport]

(Dubenich and his men walk Sophie out of the building)

Dubenich: Very sloppy, Miss Devereaux. You thought you could get Latimer alone. You underestimated me.

Sophie: Mm. The last time I underestimated you, I was right.

(Quinn stands in front of the thugs, stopping them)

Dubenich: Who the hell are you?

Quinn: Well, I'm definitely not Eliot.

Eliot (tackling Dubenich to the ground): Aah!

(Quinn and Eliot take out the thugs, Quinn taking a gun from one of them and tossing it to Eliot. Eliot looks at the gun for a moment, then cocks it and points it at Dubenich)

Sophie: What are you doing? What are you doing?

Eliot (gun shaking in his hand): I'm thinking about saving my friend some trouble.

(Sophie shakes her head. After a long moment, Eliot lowers the gun and empties it as they all walk away)

Quinn: Hell, next time, give me the gun. I'm your Huckleberry.

Eliot (hands him the gun): Here.

Quinn: Little late now.

Eliot: Love that movie.

Quinn (tucks the gun down the back of his pants): Who the hell doesn't?

[Airport Bar]

Reporter: Stay with WMN for more on the Latimer scandal.

Maggie: What was that all about?

Latimer: Long story.

Maggie: Well, let's start by replacing your drink. (sits down) I'm Jenny.

Latimer: I'm Jack. (kisses her hand)

Maggie: Nice to meet you, Jack.

Latimer: Nice to meet you.

[Exterior Park]

(Maggie and Sophie approach Nate, who is looking through a box of files)

Maggie: Nate.

Nate: My wife? You recruited my -- my wife as -- as your backup?

Sophie: Ex. He never says ex-wife.

Maggie: I always do. Nate, I'm sorry about Jimmy. You should have called me.

Nate: Wow. Well, I didn't want -- you know, this is way out of line, Sophie. I mean –

Sophie: What? You said get someone not in the game. I don't know anyone not in the game. Maggie is the only honest person I know.

Maggie: Aww.

Nate: But you didn't tell me.

Maggie: Because we knew you'd do this.

Nate: Do what?

Sophie: We're friends. And I got to say, she's turning into quite the grifter.

Maggie: Now that you two are together, when Sophie asks me for a favor, how could I refuse?

Nate: Uh...

Sophie: Look at that. He looks like a slapped mackerel. Um, I'll wait for you across the street. (walks away)

Maggie: All right.

Nate: You know, for the record, I just want you to know that when we were together, well, nothing ever happened with her, you know, as far as –

Maggie: Oh, God, Nate. Always the Jesuit. If temptation counted as cheating, no marriage would make it past the first year. Imagine what it was like for me, you bringing James around all those years.

Nate: James? Sterling?

Maggie: We better hurry. Latimer will be waking soon. It's your master plan. Pity if we miss him.

Nate (sighs): Seriously, Sterling?

Maggie: Seriously.

[Hotel Room]

(a phone ringing wakes a sleeping Latimer)

Latimer: Oh. Hello?

Dubenich (on phone): Where the hell are you?

[Latimer Enterprises]

Dubenich: You were supposed to be in a congressional hearing an hour ago.

[Hotel Room]

Latimer (looks at watch): What?

Dubenich: You are in contempt--

[Latimer Enterprises]

Dubenich: --of Congress. Yeah, and it is no secret.

[Hotel Room]

Latimer (looks at flier on nightstand): I, uh -- I was -- I was drugged.

[Latimer Enterprises]

Dubenich: You what?

Latimer: Just, uh -- just stall. I'll -- I'll get out of here.

Dubenich: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait a minute. Jack, out of where?

[Hotel Room]

Latimer: The Cayman Islands?! (goes to window and looks out to see a beach scene)

Dubenich: Oh. I did not hear that.

Latimer: I said the Cayman Islands.

[Latimer Enterprises]

Dubenich: No, no, I heard that. I just -- I'm refusing to acknowledge that those words actually came out of your mouth.

Latimer: Give me three minutes to pack.

[Hotel Room]

(Latimer puts his suitcase on the bed and opens it to reveal that it is full of bonds, money, passports and other valuables)

Latimer: Oh, no. No, no.


(Parker enters the safe and opens a bag)

Parker: Who's first?

[Hotel Room]

Latimer: Everything from the vault is here -- all the money and the diamonds. It wasn't destroyed. And there's -- there's a lot of different passports.

[Latimer Enterprises]

Dubenich: They're making it look like you are on the run.

[Hotel Room]

Archie: Oh, no, no. The sword's here, too.

Dubenich: Jack? Can you hear me?

[Latimer Enterprises]

Dubenich: Listen, you're done.

[Hotel Room]

Latimer: No. I'll, uh -- I'll fly to DC. I-I-I can straighten this out.

Dubenich: You're gonna just walk--

[Latimer Enterprises]

Dubenich: --into the Capitol building, and under oath, you're gonna tell United States Senators that you were drugged and kidnapped by persons unknown, who then just kindly dropped you off in the Cayman Islands, but not before handing you a suitcase full of your own cash and diamonds and a batch of fake passports?!

[Hotel Room]

Latimer: And a Chinese artifact.

[Latimer Enterprises]

Reporter: The SEC has opened an investigation linking Jack Latimer to a mysterious series of trades that happened just before the company suffered financial losses and, often, just before the CEOs were fired. Question is, has Jack Latimer been waging a covert war on his rivals?

Dubenich: It's brilliant. (into phone) Um, Jack? The SEC is investigating all the trades--

[Hotel Room]

Dubenich: -- that I told you to make before Ford ran his cons.

Latimer: Well, how the hell did they find that out?

[Latimer Enterprises]

Dubenich: Well, if I have to hazard a guess, I'd say...

(looks at a television monitor and sees Sophie and Nate handing out files to many people)

Nate: Look at this. Yeah. Sir? Have a look at that.

Dubenich: Ford told them.

[Hotel Room]

Latimer: Of course he did.

[Latimer Enterprises]

Latimer: Victor, you son of a bitch, you fix this.

Dubenich: Sure, Jack. Don't worry about it. I'm on it. Yeah, talk to you later.

(Dubenich hangs up as Head Thug enters the room)

Dubenich: In case you haven't noticed, this company is about to become a giant smoking hole in the earth. Want to make some real money?

Head Thug: Yeah.

Dubenich: Fire up one of the jets. Pack warm.

(Head Thug leaves the room)

Dubenich (types on laptop): Transferring Jack's money into my account. (looks at screen) Insufficient funds? What the...


Hardison: And from Victor's account into ours. Come on. Did you doubt me, baby? Did you doubt me?

Eliot: Money's being wired to your account right now, Quinn. Thank you. (they shake)

Quinn: You know, about that favor.

Eliot: Oh, the favor. How about next time we fight, I don't beat you so bad?

Quinn: I think you're a little confused how that last fight went.

Eliot: You weren't even awake for the last part of that fight.

Archie: No reason you should care, but I approve of your young man very much.

Parker: I do care.

Archie: How does that feel?

Parker: Weird. But I think I'm getting used to it.

Hardison: I hate you with the white-hot heat of a thousand suns.

Chaos: I dream you've died, and I wake up laughing.

Hardison: Sci-five?

Chaos: No.

Hardison: No.

[Latimer Enterprises]

Dubenich (typing on laptop): You have to have something... worth... stealing. The patent. Of course.


Jimmy: Found it! There it is. What is this?

Nate: What is -- It's a water filter. The kind that fits in a dam.

[Latimer Enterprises]

Dubenich: Where are you? (pulls up information on laptop) There you are. (closes laptop as Head Thug returns) You wouldn't happen to know where there's a few hundred million dollars lying around, would you?

Head Thug: Uh, no.

Dubenich: I would. Change of plans. We're going on a treasure hunt.


(Nate heads toward the exit of the cave)

Sophie: Nate, don't.

Nate: I'm gonna do this one alone.

Parker: We either have each other's backs or we don't.

Nate: My choice, my responsibility.

[Haverford Water Control & Power Plant]

(Dubenich and Head Thug enter the maintenance area of the dam and look at a map on the wall)

Dubenich: All right. Research is downstairs. Let's go.

Head Thug: Spread out. Keep your eyes peeled.

(they reach the basement level of the plant only to find a bunch of junk lying around)

Dubenich: There's no research here.

Nate: There never was!

(thugs on upper level begin firing at Nate, who dives to take cover and goes down a ladder. Dubenich and his men fire after him but he gets away)

Dubenich: There's no exit here. Cut him off.

Head Thug: Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

(men scramble to cut off Nate's escape. Two men go down, hit from off screen. A third man is strangled with a wire by Parker. Sophie and Hardison reveal themselves and they look at each other)

[Exterior Haverford Dam]

(Head Thug runs down a walkway. Eliot knocks out the thug following him)

Eliot: You know, somebody locked Jimmy Ford in that warehouse. Wasn't you, was it?

Head Thug: You know I have a gun.

Eliot: Yeah. That's what makes it fair.

(Eliot attacks before Head Thug can get his gun completely pulled)

(elsewhere, Dubenich continues to chase Nate, shooting at him. He manages to hit Nate in the shoulder, but Nate continues to run. They stop at a wide overflow area covered in debris, Dubenich pointing his gun at Nate, who is backing slowly away)

Nate: All right. How's this all working out for you, Victor?

Dubenich: Okay, thanks. Oh, you mean... There's no patent, there's no water filter. Well, thanks for your concern. You can now gloat me to death.

Nate: You know, Victor, the thing about you is, you know, you get so angry that you forget about the little details.

Dubenich: No, I'm good. (pulls trigger on empty gun)

Nate: Like counting bullets. Hard to do that when you're so angry. This one here -- (pulls gun from his pants pocket) my father's gun -- this has five bullets. (points it at Dubenich) I'm quite certain of it.

(the two men circle around until Dubenich is backing toward a steep drop off)

Dubenich: Uh... I don't think you're gonna do it.

Nate: Yeah, I went through a lot of trouble to get you out here just to let you go.

Dubenich: You didn't kill the man responsible for your son's death.

Nate: My son would be ashamed of me if I was a murderer. (lowers gun)

Dubenich: Yeah.

Nate: My father, on the other hand -- he'd buy me an ice cream. (raises gun)

Dubenich: Wait -- wait a minute! Listen to me. Latimer bankrolled me. I couldn't have done anything without Latimer.

Nate: So, what are you saying? The -- the wrong man is standing here?

Dubenich: In a way.

Nate: Victor, I got a little surprise for you. Stay put.

(Nate goes to a nearby shed and opens the door, pulling Latimer out and pushing him toward Dubenich)

Latimer: You don't want to kill me. It was him. He blackmailed me into helping him.

Dubenich: No.

Latimer: You let me go, I'll make it up to you -- I swear.

Nate: Oh, you're saying kill Dubenich and let you go?

Latimer: Yes. Yes.

Nate: Hang it on him?

Latimer: Yes.

Nate: Oh, yes, ex-con with fraud convictions, make him the fall guy. You get a bunch of lawyers and start over. I see how that could all work out for you. It's pretty perfect, because with Dubenich dead, there'd be nobody to contradict your story, right? So all your problems would be solved. (points gun at Dubenich)

Dubenich: That's right! You kill me, he starts over! He's the CEO of a powerful company. He could do a lot of harm to a lot of people. Nate. He sent your father into the warehouse.

Nate: So kill Latimer and let you go? Yeah, I -- well, that way, I mean, there would be no one to tie you to the illegal trades. And, I mean, you're smart. You'd find the cash and the diamonds that he hid. So with Latimer dead, you'd go free. But the problem that I'm having with all of this is if only one of you dies, the other will go free! I got five bullets! Who would like to go first?

(Nate points the gun at first one man, than the other. At last he turns to see the rest of the team standing on a walkway higher on the dam. He looks at the two men again, then walks toward the edge)

Nate: Of course, nobody has to pull the trigger today. (sighs) We could just all walk away and accept the consequences of what we've done.

(Nate puts the gun down near the edge, looks once more between the two men, and walks away. Both men scramble for the gun, fighting over it)

Dubenich: Give me it!

Latimer: Give it to me!

Dubenich: Give me it!

(the men go over the edge, falling and screaming before the gun goes off and Nate continues to walk away without looking back)

[Exterior, Waterfall]

(Sophie bandages Nate's gunshot wound)

Sophie: Ohh, sorry. Well, that was a spectacularly awful plan.

Nate: Lucky you showed up, then.

Sophie: I'm glad you didn't do it.

Nate: I'm not my father, Sophie. If I live like him, I'd always be looking for the next payout, never just looking at what I have. And, you know, if you live the way he lived, eventually, your luck just runs out. I got to make some changes.

Sophie: What kind of changes?

Nate: I got plans.

Sophie: Oh. And that never goes wrong.

Nate (stands and pulls Sophie to her feet): Very big plans.

Sophie: Such as?

(Nate kisses Sophie. Behind them, the others stand talking)

Eliot: We can't get a car in there. Come on! You can't have a batcave without a Batmobile.

Hardison: You can have a Batcave, man, just --

Eliot: How are you gonna get a car in there?

Hardison: It's a car. It ain't a boat.

Parker: Just ask him!

Hardison: Nate! Can we keep the cave?!

Nate: We are not keeping the cave!

Eliot: I told you. I told you, didn't I?

Hardison: Hey, hold it. Don't be so hasty. Look, hear me out. Two words -- Eliot signal.

Nate: Hey. Let's go break the law.

Sophie: Mm. Just one more time?

Nate: Oh, a few more times.

(all begin to walk away from the water)

Eliot: Hey, Hardison, man, what are you talking about? Like a light you would shine up in the air, huh? How does that work? And how would you see it during the day, first of all? And what would you put on it? Like a wolf?

Parker: Ooh, yeah.

Eliot: Or a knife or a wolf? A wolf is cooler. See, I'm into that.

The End

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